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A/N in my aus for a femme to have a child they must go to the well of allspark and get primus blessing but it requires the allspark to be there. they must go each time they wish to have another child. 

bumblebees pov:

"what" me highfire and rainshot all replied in unison. "why would we shoot it off into space our planet needs it to create new life without it Cybertron won't have any young" rainshot said looking over at highfire for support. "yes femmes woun't be able to get primus blessing to have children" highfire said letting his srevors in the air to show his confushin. then the thought struck me. 'did they want a child' surely not in the middle of the war..... not like I was.... "I understand you concern but we are loosing this war by a lot and if the allspark falls into decepticon srevors we are truly finished" i couldn't believe what he was saying doing something like that could be the end of Cybertron and our race all together. "So we have to make it all the way though decepticon territory and reach the launch pad" I said trying to grasp the danger of this mission. "Yes" he replied. "Bee are you nuts that's a suicide mission" highfire said fear in his optics. "If it means the autobots have a chance than so be it" I replied boldly knowing full well I will probably die on this mission.

"If your going than so am I" highfire said facing Optimus. "I'm going to a can't lose anyone else" hmmm she never told me she lost someone but this is not the time to ask. "Rainshot yo-" she cut him off "no I'm doing this" she firmly started also facing Optimus. "I thank you for your bravery we only have a small window to prepare and every second is vital" I nodded. "Than we start now what's the game plan" highfire said placing his services on his hips looking confident. "Not here we don't want to set the other bots into a panic" he said. "Than where do you suggest" rainshot said putting her servor under her chin. My door wings dropped in confusion on where we would go to. The old training hall was gone it died with the camp so where were we meant to train. And if we don't want the others to know yet we can't practice out in the open.

"The old build back at our old base still stands it's enclosed and open" Optimus said firmly. 'oh fun' the place my 'alter personality' tried to blow there helms off. My door wings dropped in embarrassment then I perked them back up. "I suggest you go get Cascade and ratchet they will have to stay with you to help prepare this is a very high risk mission and I can't promise you will walk away" he said giving us a chance to back down but I wasn't going to. For Cybertron for my family for stormchaser I was going to do this. "I'm doing this" I replied and highfire and rainshot nodded in agreement. "Very well we must explain on the way we don't have a minute to spare" he said and I turned around to go get ratchet and Cascade. I walked over to them ratchet looked like he was actually having a good time and I was annoyed that I would have to ruin his chipper mood right now. "Ratchet Cascade we have to go well explain on the way" highfire said.

They got confused looked on there faces then spotted Optimus and quickly got up. Wheeljack had left the table while we were talking to Optimus. I was thankful for that since we wouldn't have time to explain. "Ultra Magnus I leave you in charge until I return" Optimus said placing his servor on his arm. "understood" he said and turned and walked away. He had always been a fun killer but oh was it sweet when me and stormchaser pulled off that prank successfully. I laughed internally we had covered him in pink paint by letting it fall from a door as it opened. One of the rookies had gotten blamed and he deserved it to. Then it struck me the rookie was the same one I insulted in the scrap field with Cascade. Hmmm it really is a small world. "So your going on a suicide mission" Cascade said a worried tone in his voice as we drove over the battle strewn fields on our way to the old camp. "It's only like 5/6 suicide" rainshot said giving him the benefit of the doubt.

"That's still not good" he replied a very worried tone in his voice. His normally calm dimenor shaking by this news. "I know but if we don't Cybertron is doomed and we're the only ones who have even a slim chance of pulling it off" I said trying to reason with him but it was no use. I could tell ratchet was worried to but he was better at hiding it. We arrived at our old camp .....or the remains of it. I hadn't seen it since we evaluated and it was a awful sight ruble and derby scattered to ground big buildings collapsed on others. I say the squashed med tent in the same spot and the training hall's ruble smoking from what could only guess was a group of neutrals taking shelter in the crushed place. We walked around a little bit picking up anything that might be useful for training. On the way I had been 'assigned' to train servor to servor combat since I was kickbacks child.

We walked over to the old building carrying boxes or loose poles it wasn't much but it was going to be good training to use what's around us on the field if we run into trouble. Plus the trampled camp was great for maneuver training. "Ok highfire kick high if they are dependent on there legs they'll have strengthened them and low if it's opposite" I said demonstrating a high kick making sure he got it. He followed along with almost perfection. "But how am I supposed to know if they do or not" oh scrap I forgot that they don't know how to anticipate an opponent. "Ummm ok so when I fought Optimus he's a lot bigger than me and that makes his movements slower right" he nodded showing he followed. "Ok but he's skilled at it and he's quite quick" he nodded again but slower. "He had a wide stands for maximum power when he struck and he always never takes a low blow but we're smaller we need more blows and if that's at less power but it means we can get out without getting hit than so be it"

"So if I were to fight you I would want more power but quicker movements and I would have strike where you are" he said following along but I only heard one error. "Yes but by the time you find where I am I've already moved you want to anticipate where I'm going to be and how to get there" he nodded following along. "Hey I think Optimus is a little worried you know exactly how to fight him" rainshot said elbowing me in the side. "Yeah maybe but that also means I know how to fight most cons there big and strong but most of them are cheap shots" I replied knowing I had thrown just as many cheap shots but this was war no time for rules. "Ok so let me try" highfire said getting in here s stance. "Ok" I said. "Now we are going to be on a time crunch and don't have time to wait for them to strike first" I said moshing for him to come at me.

He lunged but I jumped away easily dodging it. "not where I am where I'm going to be" I said from the tall peace of ruble I had jumped on. I slide down the side and softly hit him from below before he could react. "What the frag how'd you get there" he said astonished. "Come on where am I going to be" I said making another move to him. Instead of going low I slide under him but he turned around and threw a punch hig. I ducked with ease but most bots wouldn't have been able to dodge it. "good you would have gotten a con with that" we carried on for two days. Until we were all skilled at each othera fighting style. Mine being one of the most important but ratchet had also taught us some basics medical skills. Cascade had been a great help best replicating a con.

"Bumblebee, highfire, rainshot today is the day you can quit now if you wish" Optimus said standing in front of us. "Never" we replied in unison. He gave a small smile then pulled out the allspark case from where he had hidden it. "then you are on your way this may be the last time you see any of each other" he said. We turned to each other wishing luck and hugs. I even managed to gat a hug out of ratchet. So here we are standing at the edge of the con territory the allspark in my servors looking out onto the battle strewn field. "May primus be with you" Optimus said before we stepped out and onto con land. "For Cybertron" I said and looked at rainshot and highfire. "For Cybertron" they replied in unison. _for Cybertron_ I heard ratchet and Cascade say though the com. I looked at the others and took the first brave step out over the border. 'for everyone'

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