Part 1: The call.

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'Charizard, Flamethrower!" Savanna, The Hoenn champion called.

Charizard roared and shot off a spew of flames from it's mouth.

"as usual Charizard's flames are burning hot! How will Josh counter this!" The announcer called.

Josh gritted his teeth in thought.

"Blastoise! Take it head on! Skull bash!" Josh called out with a wave of his hand. Blastoise tucked his head in and flung himself towards the flamethrower.

Then a black weird looking flamethrower came out of nowhere, hitting both Pokemon, sending them back. 

"What the hell?!" Savanna looked around.

Josh immediately became worried. 

Savanna's Charizard and Josh's Blastoise began to growl.

A dark figure came crashing down, slamming their fist into the ground, making shockwaves. The Dark figure seemed to have a Charizard but it looked very different than a regular Charizard. Black scales, and red eyes and sharp teeth. Dark blue wings.

The crowd started screaming.

Savanna glared at the dark figure, her Charizard growled

"EVERYONE PLEASE Evacuate!!!" The announcer called.

People began running out.

Savanna brought out five other Pokeballs.

Savanna threw them and out came her team of Pikachu, Sceptile, Aggron, Greninja and Dragonite.

"help Josh evacuate everyone!" Savanna said.

"Savanna what about you?!" Josh asked.

Savanna sighed, her Pokemon looked at her not wanting to go but they knew they had to.

"Don't worry about me, I will be fine." Savanna said.

"Alright. Youngest Champion." Josh said.

Savanna rolled her eyes as Josh ran off. Savanna's Pokemon followed except Pikachu.

"Pikachu You have to go!" Savanna said.

Savanna's Pikachu put her sunglasses on and shook her head.

"Are you nuts! I'm not leaving you and Charizard to deal with this threat on your own! You two are like mothers to me!" Pikachu said, Savanna understood because aura.

Savanna sighed and nodded, Savanna turned around. Her Pikachu got on her shoulder.

"Who are you!?!" Savanna said to the dark figure.

The Dark figure raised their head.

The Dark figure looked like Savanna, but all dark blue and red eyes.

"Hey! You copied my style you weirdo!" Savanna said.

Clone Savanna smirked and said "I think you did first." Savanna rolled her eyes as her Pokemon growled.

"Flamethrower." Dark Savanna commanded.

Dark Charizard shot off a flamethrower.

"Use your own!" Savanna commanded as her Charizard shot off an flamethrower as well.

Both of them collided and caused a massive smoke cloud.

"Keep fight while I deal with this bitch!" Both Savannas said as they were both about to lunge at each other.

Before Actual Savanna and her Charizard, and Pikachu disappear suddenly.

At ???

Savanna and her other Pokemon all fall to the ground. They all groaned.

"I hate Arceus sometimes" Savanna's Charizard said shaking her head.

"Sure I may be the youngest Champion but I have bones that need to be kept not broken thank you!" Savanna rolled her eyes and got up.

Savanna returned the rest of her Pokemon except Charizard of course.

Arceus appeared.

"I don't mean to be rude my god but uh. Why I'm I here?" Savanna asked.

Arceus sighed.

"Something called the bringers of doom have crossed our lands, planning to awaken Yvetal from it's slumber-" Arceus was cut off by Savanna.

"First of all how in the heck did they cross over to here from Ninjago! Two! Why Yvetal?" Savanna asked. Her Charizard titled her head.

"That I don't know... But I have a feeling they are planning to use it for something evil... Like a lot of legendaires of this world...." Arceus sighed.

"You know at this point you should just stop worrying about me so often or stop making Ash the legendary magnet and do your dirty work and this would've been all fine." Savanna rolled her eyes "anyway. What's up?"

"I need you.. To find the bringers of doom... And stop them.. Because apparently they are making clones." Arceus said.

"Oh yeah... I saw those... Well mine specifically... I mean they did a great job." Savanna joked.

Arceus sighed.

"Just go my chosen one. And youngest Champion" Arceus teased.

Savanna groaned.

"Look. I get it I'm younger than the world champion and I became champion before him I get it! So stop reminding me-" Than Savanna disappeared before she could finished.

A/N: Ik I said I'm taking a break but I thought why not. Just to let you know. All the characters are aged up! Multiple characters are also appearing so yay!!! But yeah I hope this was good! Because I been sick or school... But yeah read and review!

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