Pile of Planks

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A/N: This is actually based off a story i had to write in fifth grade lol. I found it the other day when going through my boxes of old schoolbooks. I'm surprised my little 11 year old self could actually write a good story. Anyway hope you enjoy you'll see me at the start and end of every chapter =) (i try to update as much as possible but juggling school and sport is a talent is its self lmao) also story is set in the summer if your wondering why they arent at school. also there is some swearing but nothing that much =)

Tiggy lived in the clubhouse of Yarra Bay. No-one knew who her parents were, except that they owned the club and left her as the inheritance. No-one remembers her parents. They watched her first steps and left it seems. Although Tiggy wasn't alone. She had Eddie, the head chef of the club, and Lucy, a kind young waitress. She also had her best friends, Tom and Missy. 

On the day of her discovery, Tiggy started it like an other; Breakfast from Eddie; sitting on the beach with her cat Banana; washing up her plate and getting dressed. But whilst walking over to Missys house she noticed something. A pile of planks. Though she ignored it, and kept walking.

'Why do you think there's planks on the boat ramp?' Missy asked.

'I'm not sure, but you know how the new stupid council is, always wanting new instalments,' Tiggy replied. Missy nodded and took a biscuit off the pink porcelain plate in the middle of her room. Missy's room was beautiful. The walls were a shade of baby pink that glowed in the light. Her twin sized bed was pressed against the wall. She had a large bookshelf that creaked under the weight of her books. It had a small window facing the beach, the sheer curtains letting just the right amount of light in. Her floor was carpeted and a rug sat on top, on which Tiggy and Missy were seated on. Her room smelt like strawberry icing and cupcakes, no matter what was cooking, and always was perfect. 

'Tiggy?' Missy questioned. Tiggy snapped out of marvelling at her room and realised Missy was talking to her. 'Are you going to Tom's house with me later?' 

'Oh! Yeah of course,' Tiggy exclaimed, remembering that her other best friend had invented them over the night before. Missy chuckled and took another biscuit. The pair sat in comfortable silence, eating biscuits and watching Missys rabbit Lola sniff at the crumbs. Tiggy picked up the small, fat animal and placed her in her lap. Lola was a beautiful cinnamon coloured rabbit with white spots and blue eyes, Tiggy loved her. Lola took an interest in Tiggy's jeans, and took at small nibble at them. 'No eating my jeans,' Tiggy ordered in a playful but hard sounding tone. Lola looked at her and continued scratching at the fabric. Tiggy rolled her eyes and moved the rabbit off her lap and onto the floor. Lola ran to Missys bed and darted underneath it. Missy giggled. 

'We should head to Tom's now,' She commented, checking the time.

'Yeah,' Tiggy agreed. The pair set off down the street to number 36. Tom answered the door, welcoming them inside. 

'So, what have you two been doing?' He asked.

'Just hanging out with Lola,' Tiggy replied.

'That explains the hole in your pants,' Tom chuckled. Tiggy looked down at her jeans. Of course Lola had made a small hole. 

'Missy your rabbit owes me $10,' Tiggy said, her tone lighthearted.

'Tiggy my rabbit wouldn't work for her arse you know that,' Missy laughed. The three of them walked upstairs to Tom's bedroom. A small room only fitting a closet, bed, bookshelf and desk. The walls were white and a large window faced the door. 

'Anything happening at the moment?' Tom asked.

'The other day I was watching people from my window and some guy bent over and his pants ripped,' Tiggy said.

'Ha, typical tourists,' Missy giggled.

'I went to the shops with my mum and got new shoes,' Tom mentioned, gesturing towards his feet. Tiggy noticed his new shoes had drawings on them already, Tom's little brother probably got to them. 

'Did James get that blue life jacket he wanted?' Missy said to Tom.

'No his parents said it wouldn't serve a good purpose blending into the water. Honestly that's what I also thought of at first, who wears a blue life jacket when boating?' Tom replied. Tiggy looked around his room as he spoke with Missy, something was missing. 

'Wait Tom, where's the scribbles on your wall? Tiggy asked, as she noticed the walls were plain white. 

'Oh, my mum finally cleaned them after Archie got to them,' Tom answered, looking at his walls.

'I wondered what was missing!' Missy exclaimed. Tiggy nodded, and picked at the hole in her jeans.

'Do you think we'll be in the same class next year?' 

Tiggy looked up at Missy. 

'Yeah why?'

'I dunno, just wondering,' Missy said. 'What's the time?' She asked. 

Tiggy looked up at the clock on the wall. 

'Damn it's 4:00, Eddie wanted me back at the club for an early dinner,' Tiggy sighed.

'Dang see you tomorrow I guess,' Tom waved her goodbye.

Missy waved and Tiggy walked out of Tom's room, saying goodbye to his mum on the way out. Who knew caretakers could come up with such early curfews?

A/N: Hey pooks you reached the end of the first chapter. I would love any recommendations just make sure it's appropriate and no love because i want a cute little save the day story. As i said i'll try to update daily/every second day but if i don't i'm probably writing chapters in advance.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15 ⏰

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