CHAPTER 6: Faith✨

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Graduation was over, and life was supposed to move on

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Graduation was over, and life was supposed to move on. I thought the distance would help me forget Sophia, but it was the opposite. Days turned into weeks, and she remained a constant in my thoughts. I couldn't understand why I was still so angry. It wasn't like we had been dating; we were just friends—or at least, that's what I had convinced myself.

But then there was Jake. Why did she have to like him of all people? My best friend. The thought of them together gnawed at me, and my anger turned into something ugly. I told myself I hated her. 

It was easier to just stay mad, to convince myself that she was the one who ruined everything. After all, she liked Jake, not me. But every time I thought about it, that knot of regret tightened. I pushed everyone away, all while drowning in the question that kept looping in my mind: Why did she have to like Jake?

Graduation came and went, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth

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Graduation came and went, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. Aaron hadn't even bothered to speak to me that day. What a jerk. After everything, he just stayed silent, acting like I didn't even exist. I thought he'd eventually come around, maybe try to fix things. But he didn't. He left me standing there with nothing but my anger.

I told myself I hated him. I wanted to. I replayed every argument, every hurtful word, every time he looked at me with that cold, dismissive glare. But deep down, it wasn't just hate. It was disappointment. I thought we were closer than that. I had been waiting for him to explain himself, to apologize, to say anything that could make sense of what had happened. But he never did.

And then I started to realize something that made it even worse. My anger was mixed with another feeling—a feeling I didn't want to face. Maybe, just maybe, I had felt more than friendship for Aaron. But now it was too late. That tiny flicker of hope had turned into a flame of hatred. He had let me down, left me alone to deal with the mess. So, I decided to bury everything deep inside. I hated him. I had to, because it was the only way to protect myself from the truth: that I had once cared for him more than I was willing to admit.

 I had to, because it was the only way to protect myself from the truth: that I had once cared for him more than I was willing to admit

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