Chapter One- Draco Pov

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"Bye Draco, try not to draw too much attention to yourself this year. Just remember no matter what happens I love you." mother tells me, as I get on the train.

"Bye mothe-mom Love you too." I say, shooting a sad  smile at her.

I walk up the stairs, with my trunk in hand, Blaise stands there, with an awkward smile.
"Hey Draco, our compartment is here." He says leading me to our seats, once we get there, I place my trunk up.

"Well another year of hell?" I say with a short awkward laugh, the guys, and I guess Pansy and the greengrasses too had all been way less confident and well... Cocky, since the war that had my father and well a couple of their family members too in Askaban.

"Yeah." says Goyle, we all know why we are so down, after all there is a reason why the seat next to Goyle is empty.


"Alright guys, this isn't us. Cmon, we cannot have those goody-two shoe griffiendoors see us like this can we?" says Blaise with a laugh.

We all agree, with a headshake, and we snap out of it.

"Its what Crabbe would want." said Goyle, who hadn't been speaking much this whole time.

I leave to get out of that horrid tension in the room, and go to go visit the girls.

I hear laughing and I walk in.

"Hey Draco!" Greets Daphne trying to stop laughing.

"Drakie-bae!" Says Pansy giving me a hug, and Daphne bursts into laughter again, knowing full well, I have no intrest in Pansy, who then tells her to shut up, but Daphne doesnt hear her as she is still violently shaking with silent laughing.

I smile, and turn to Astoria, "Hi Draco," she says with a quiet voice, she was always the quiet one out of the group.
"Hey Ash." I say, "Anyway Daph, we need you in the boys compartment, The boys are so fucking quiet."
I hear a little giggle from Astoria.
I have to use the restroom, Ill be right back." I say slipping away to use the bathroom. On my way I hear, panting?
I turn around and walk  forward, and use the restroom ignoring what I heard. 


I leave my compartment from the girls, and go to use the bathroom, when I see a glimpse of bright red hair.
"Hey Ron!" I say with a smile, about to go into the compartment, when the blind closes. And I shut my mouth, and peak in the compartment and...there is Ron full-on making out with Lavender Fucking brown, and grabbing her ass, cleary about to take it to the next level, when his eyes widen as he catches me standing there.
"Wait Hermione!Uh hi, its not what it looks like, Babe." He says stuttering a little.
I snap, but instead of punching him, I walk away for once, knowing what was coming, as my eyes welled up with tears.
That. Flower-fucking. Bitch.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26 ⏰

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