Another Universe

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Is there somewhere else
Another planet that has life like ours
People laughing and living
But what if there isn't

Thinking about it makes me feel so alone
Like a child who just got sent to their room
It's quiet and dimly lit
No talking just me and my thoughts

The darkness around me isn't scary
But it's not comforting
Just empty
Empty space that has no use

It's quiet I'm alone with my thoughts
The darkness watches me closely

It's only purpose is watching
Waiting for me to need a place to stay
The moonlight casts into my room
It says hello
The beams are full of a gloomy warmth
They hold me tight
I'm in this corner of the universe
It feels safe

But there's this pit in my stomach that aches
I wonder if everyone has that pit
It doesn't always ache
Only when I think about another universe
After awhile I pinpoint the feeling
It's loneliness

My mind wanders I think about my moonlight again
It feels like a gloomy happy
The feeling after a cry
The moonlight
Another Universe

I sit in the moonlight
Thinking about what's past all the barriers
What more is there

Is someone else sitting in their moonlight
Do they live just like me
Do they have that pit in their stomach
Are they lonely
Is there Another universe

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