Rating Shit my mom yelled at me for today

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Wassup people! I decided I would rate all the things my mother yelled at me/guilt tripped me for today! If I'm gonna get yelled at for dumb shit may as well make a Wattpad book thingy out of it

Tw: parental dumbness, swearing, slight mention of suicide

Ok first up, Needing to eat

I'll give it a 7/10, you're right mom it was wrong of me to ask if we can buy any food because we have literally none, and I am truly sorry I haven't found a way to modify my  biology in order for me to not need protein, I'll start working on that now

Next up, offering to help u

3/10 because to be fair you were the one passive aggressively telling me that I'm a lazy bitch who does nothing and making annoyed sounds when you where folding YOUR OWN LAUNDRY even though I already did mine. Using this information I 100% shouldn't have offered to help with shit around the house even though I already do pretty much all of it, and you were totally in the right to say "You're mocking me and telling me I can't do my fucking job"

Ok so Asking when we're going to the grocery store

Honestly 6/10 I lwk knew you'd get mad because it has a request for money involved, and fr mother I can live without toothpaste and basic necessities so really it was mb for asking that, I get why you ranted about me taking all your money away and that I'm a greedy Jackass, very understandable

Next we have, writing on myself

It happened a few says ago but she continued to talk abt it today so I'll put it on here

Honestly 1/10 this was just fucking dumb. So I guess it's the worst thing in the world to write/let other people write on me because it makes it seem like I'm gonna kms (Idek her logic for that) and that it looks like she's gonna let her child get a shit lot of tattoos. Honestly at this point she just wants to yell I mean idk lady. Anyway I guess I'm a gangster, and I should probably be expelled because I'm just such a baddie with all the random shit my friends wrote on me with pink marker, omg mom you're right I'm about to rob a bank if I continue to walk around with an owl house coven sigil I wrote on my arm.

Ok honestly I was planning on this being funny but I feel like it's turning more into a vent, so mb, but imma do 1 more lemme know if I should do this again but a little more humorous yk

Ok so last and probably least, listening to music

Imma give it 8/10 because it was just plain funny. Mom you where right, it was mb that I was listening to music while cleaning my room because you thought it looked shitty, it was so incredibly rude of me, and from now on I will never dare even glance at my headphones.

I mean tbh it was funny watching her just try to come up with any reason to make me feel bad. The part where you said that the music was making me ignore your authority over me as an adult and that I'm an ignorant child who's gonna get hearing loss from having music on 24/7 was truly inspiring

Ok anyway if you actually read all of this thank you and you are probably incredibly bored rn, so have a nice day love y'all! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16 ⏰

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