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Jisung's pov:
My life very simple, wake up, time pass, sleep. It all changed after my college completed. I don't even have freedom to step outside without hyunjin's permission. At least today i want to see the world how it works, it's not like I've never went out but I rarely go out.
At: 5:00 pm:
Jisung: hyunginee, can I go out?!
Hyunjin: for what??
Jisung: I just want to walk.
Hyunjin: ok. Be careful and take your inhaler with you.
Jisung: what. Why, I'll come within a hour
Hyunjin: no, take it!!
Jisung: (pouts) ok. Bye!!

Hyunjin smiles at jisung cuteness.

Jisung's pov:
I was walking but I saw my collage crush, I went and sat next to him and we talked
Jack: ohh!! Hi jisung long time no see!!!
Jisung: (blushes) ohh hi, how are you??
Jack: i am fine you???
Jisung: I am fine too.

There was awaward silence, but he broke the silence.

Jack: umm- i-i am here to tell something to you actually.
Jisung: what!!
Jack: i- i love you
I am in shock because the one i loves, loves me back but pretended to not know it.
Jisung: what??!!!
Jack: I had a crush on you since my first day of my college, and we were best friends but as the college is over we supperated. I wanted to tell you all the time but it's my parent's anniversary today and they are asking about my crush so, today i confessed to you.
I was still in shock because the one i love, loves more than me.
At that time he knelt down and said
Jack: jisung, i love you will you marry me????
Jisung: actually, even i have a crush on you since my college days but....
Jack: but???
Jisung: i will ask my brother, I can only Marry you if I ask my brother.
Jack: sure, i will wait.
Jisung: hmmm bye
Jack: bye

I blushed and I was scared at the same time to tell hyunjin.

At home:
Omg hyunjin look so cold and scary, how can i tell him??
Hyunjin: oh you are back?
Jisung: hyunjin, i-i met my collage crush while I was walking.

Hyunjin's eyes dark when he heard the word "crush", he stopped doing his work.

Hyunjin: so what did he tell you???
Jisung: h-h-he proposed to me I also like him to be my husba-
Hyunjin: NO I DON'T ACCEPT IT. NEVER EVER!!!!!!!!!!
jisung flinched, he really got scared of hyunjin. But collected all his braveness and...
Jisung: why.... He is my college crush, i love him so much.
Hyunjin: I. SAID. I. WON'T. ALLOW. IT.!!
Jisung: why... You have to have a reason.
Hyunjin: don't make me repeat 3rd time!!!
Jisung: you are bad  brother ever. I don't want a brother like you, i hate you, i will go to Jack.

I was going to Jack while crying but hyunjin caught me.
He was holding my arm so, tightly.
he pushed me back with his one arm, and i forcefully backed up.
I was crying like anything.

Jisung: why don't you let me go???
Hyunjin: i fucking hate that you love him.
Jisung: what? You should be happy because you brother is getting a husban-
Hyunjin: DON'T YOU DARE TO SAY THAT WORD!!!!!!!!!!

And yes, jisung gets very scared by hyunjin's shouting and his deadly scary face. He didn't waste any time and went to upstairs to his room and locked it while crying.
Not only jisung, bodyguards and maids are also fucking scared of him.
But unexpectedly hyunjin's eyes filled with tears, so a maid came to hyunjin and said
Maid: sir I know it hurts, but we all support you to get jisung.
And evey maid is shocked to that support statement.
Hyunjin: i never wanted to be jisung's brother, but he only thinks I am his brother.

Hyunjin realised he is crying and wiped his tears.
Hyunjin: anyways, bodyguards??? You know what to do right???
They all shooked their heads.
Hyunjin: and I will be attending meetings from now on for two days countinuely, I won't be in house for two days, this is a warning, if jisung get even a scratch on his body the next
day you will be there but as dead bodies, be careful.
Hyunjin: and luna go to jisung.


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