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The interior of the craft was spacious, and filled with comfortable silence; although it wouldn't take much for the tired young man to drift off into some much needed sleep. Oh yes, sleep. The concert shows, endorsement shoots, album recording, and now this fashion show in Cebu, were only just a few of the gazillion things on his plate; and he would be lying if he said it wasn't suffocating.

He took a deep breath as if the thought could accomplish the very thing, then exhaled slowly in an attempt to expel the stress through his lungs.

He needed a distraction. Something to keep the angry buzz of career obligations from spinning around in his brain, even just for a moment.

A small hand came to rest on his right knee to stop it from shaking, albeit he had not realized he'd been doing so.

"Bal, is that you or the turbulence"

There it was.

Big doe eyes blinked at him curiously when he did not so much as smirk at her comment.

"Are you...alright?" her eyes searched his unreadable expression in growing concern.

Dark eyes quickly scanned the room from his window seat. As far as he knew, all the passengers were sleeping or deeply engrossed in a movie. Then quick as he had done so, he leaned in and placed a brief reverent kiss on her slightly-parted mouth.

Just as it had come, the contact was already gone, and it took her a few seconds to process what had just transpired.

"Bal!!" she hissed, eyes wide as saucers. The hand on his knee quickly shot out to wipe the dark red lipstick stain that smudged her partner's upturned grin.

"Im gonna slap you!" she whispered again. Lord knows she can't afford to deal with another scandal right now.

"Try it!" he replied with mirth, then ducked quickly to avoid a sweep of a hand aimed at his head. His own hand caught hers midair as he sent her another signature smirk.

"Let's play, bally."

She shot him an incredulous stare as she attempted to jerk her hand back, but to no avail. His sudden behavior was already irritating; you'd think she'd be used to it by now. And she was really looking forward to enjoying a nice quiet flight before the big show.

But of course, she had to sit next to an insufferable kid who liked to rile her up for fun.

She sighed "What now, Padilla"

The small smirk that splayed on his lips grew ever so slowly, much to her chagrin.

"Lets see who can send the other person over the edge first" he whispered as he tugged at her still-captured wrist and settled his gaze on her painted lips.

Just as she was about to to ask for clarification, her eyes widened when one of her fingers disappeared inside his mouth.

DJ tried his hardest to suppress a giggle as his leading lady let out a startled gasp once his lips applied a gentle suction to her dainty little middle finger. Hearing a sound like that coming from her only encouraged him to elicit more. She gaped at him, dumbstruck.

As he was approaching his next move, he received a big flick on the nose by her free hand.

Well, he should've seen that coming.

"Hoy, what kind of perverted game is this!?"

" I already told you, I'm gonna send you so over the edge, you're gonna beg me to take you right here on this plane"

His eyes narrowed as he heard a rather exaggerated snort coming from the so-called ladylike Teen Queen.

"How do you know you're not gonna be the one who's begging me?" she smirked, propping her elbow on the armrest. " You practically do that on a daily basis anyway"

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