chapter 28

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After fleeing from Zama's house, Mbuso drives to the north side of the estate, where white clustered apartments dominate the landscape. He finds parking and decides to lay low till dawn. This side is more of a complex than an estate, and it's a bit rowdy, even though it's after midnight. When he can no longer ignore the urgent need to pee, he walks out of his car and finds a spot to relieve himself and smoke. 'Skyf?' a tall white boy asks, standing next to him. Mbuso glares at him, unwilling to share his cigarette with a white boy, but he seems timid; he might offer him refuge for the next few days. He pulls out a packet and hands it to him. The boy takes one out, lighting it without thanking him.

After a few drags and puffs, he finally asks, 'Are you new here?' "I'm visiting my girlfriend, but she's not picking up, so I'm basically stranded," he lies, attempting to garner sympathy from the white boy. "Eyy, women," the boy snickers, pulling the last drag from his cigarette and crushing the stump with his Berluti Double Monk. Only then does Mbuso take a minute to analyse the boy's fit; he has no business being dressed in Alexander McQueen wool and mohair slim pants and a crispy white shirt while living in such a shabby complex. Mbuso notices the gold Hublot Classic Fusion on his wrist, and as a collector of timepieces himself, he knows the boy is wealthy.

His brain tells him to befriend the boy for his wealth, but his conscience tells him to walk away, and he knows better than to ignore it. He walks away without saying a word, quickening his pace as he feels someone trailing behind him. "Uphuthumaphi bafo?" [Where are you running to?] brings him to a halt. He doesn't need to turn back because he knows that voice all too well.

He tries to act tough and walks away, but the white boy opens the door before he reaches it, settling into the front seat. Mbuso should've known better than to stick around; there's no way he's fighting Nkosi, who throws a mean punch - the second one sends you to unconsciousness. He can feel his walls caving in; there's no way out of this. "Kuyaphela ngaye namhlanje" . "'Ngithe uphuthumathi?"Nkosi asks, moving closer, his tone and gaze a killer threat.

Before Mbuso can answer, the cracking sound from Nkosi's fist contacting his jaw makes him dizzy, forcing him to spit out the liquid quickly forming in his mouth, along with a few of his teeth. The second punch sends him to his knees. Kungcono ayivume induku ngoba impi isimehlule. Nkosi's fists pound mercilessly into Mbuso's defenceless face. "Ushaya abafazi wena! Stand up and fight me like a man!" Nkosi snarls, his anger boiling over. Mbuso slumps to the ground, defeated, but Ethan intervenes, stopping the fight. "No killing in my turf, Mabaso," he warns, his voice firm.

Ethan helps Nkosi toss Mbuso into the boot of his sleek black X7. The commissioner's car is equipped with blue lights, a perk that will come in handy tonight. Ethan then drives Mbuso's car, with an unconscious Kamia and sleeping Iyana in the backseat, to his house. He gently carries Iyana inside before following Nkosi to the port. At the dock, Mbuso's battered body crumples to the floor. As he struggles to stand, agony shoots through his leg and gunshot wound. Suddenly, Smanga looms over him, gun in hand. "sawbona Mtungwa," Smanga sneers. Beside Smanga stands a striking, light-skinned woman with bushy eyebrows, her lightly pouted plump lips with a natural dark lining make Mbuso want to lose himself in them but his reality doesn't allow him as Her piercing gaze sends a shiver down his spine.

The woman aims her Glock 43x at Mbuso. "Don't move," she warns, her voice icy. Mbuso freezes as she fires a shot next to him, the sound echoing through the air. She walks over to Kamia, kicking her face with her trainers. Mbuso lunges to defend Kamia, but Smanga shoots his other leg. he collapses, pain searing through his body.In the three months they've spent planning and plotting, Mbuso has grown to love Kamia. Their plan was simple, but he complicated it by targeting Zipho's trophy. Now, he faces the consequences. As he lies there, bleeding and helpless, he realises he's lived by the gun and will die by it - but not at his father's hand, as he once feared.

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