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(R.I.P the Totally Incredible Talented One)

"Keisha, I found it! I found it!" I exclaim as I drag Keisha Thomas, one of my best friends down the store aisle, "It should be right over here!"

I scan the shelf for the model airplane I'm looking for.

"Wait, what? I don't see it..."

"What model are you looking for?" Keisha aska.

"It's Model 457 - the German Jet."

"Didn't I get you that one for Christmas?

"No, that was 459 - the Berlin Bomber."

"How do you even keep up with all this stuff?"

"I'm just really into it, I guess," I shrug.

"Most girls our age paint their nails and chase after boys, but you don't do any of that stuff! Why can't you just be normal?"

"I am normal! That stuff just doesn't really interest me," I say as I start to take down stacks of boxes of planes to look some more.

Keisha stomps her foot. "Ugh, Mel hurry up! We've been in here for like 10 minutes already! The mall will be closing soon!" complained Keisha.

"Seriously Keisha, the mall is not that important. We went everywhere you wanted to go all morning! And comparing 2 hours to 10 minutes is not even fair," I told her.

"Whatever! I'm waiting outside," she says, rolling her eyes.

I watch her sashay to the door while I stand and stare at the shelf in confusion.
But I just saw it! How could it possibly be gone already?

"I should've just got it yesterday..." I mumble under my breath as I walk to the door in defeat.

"Excuse me, are you looking for this?" says a mysterious boy, handing me the exact model I was looking for.

My eyes widen.

"Yes! I was looking for that exact one! How'd you know?"

He smiles. "I overheard your conversation from the other end of the aisle."

"Wait, but aren't you going to get that one?" I ask.

"Naw, I can get it any time," he says, handing it over to me.

He's wearing a long-sleeved green shirt with a black and brown jacket, jeans, and shades.
I smile at him, but my expression changes quickly.

"So you're telling me, you don't think it's weird that I dig model airplanes?" I laugh.

"No, not at all! I wish I knew more chicks who dug model airplanes. That would be so awesome," he smiles.

"Totally," I agree.

"Ok, now if you like model airplanes, we must have something else in common," he laughs.

"Alright, let's see. I like building stuff, piano, and baseball, even though Keisha says it's only for boys, and I enjoy basketball sometimes, but I usually have to play by myself."

His mouth drops.

"Are you serious right now?!"

I blush and nod my head.

"You must be like my dream girl or something," he laughs, "because that's a lot of the stuff I like too!"

"Really? Wow! I never thought I'd meet someone so much like me!"

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