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Ah, weddings.

The magical celebration of genuine love, a new life chapter, and hope for eternal partnership—three things people like me wished for. But also the three things people like me did not seem to deserve.

I took another deep breath to keep calm. There wasn't a need to look uncomfortable. Otherwise, everyone would think it was weird. The rooftop setting was a slice of heaven, though. I had to give it to them. Chic and artsy. Not over-the-top but truly sophisticated. Pure magic. You instantly know when people have taste—these two did.

Today was their day. Some of the best humans in the world. It was the day they sealed the deal and made their vows to be together forever.


A smile formed on my lips; kind of bitter, sort of sweet. It never seemed to be the case for me. Was I the problem? People would agree. Everybody would.

C'mon now. Maybe that's being overdramatic. You're fine. Don't sweat it.

It took a minute before my heart started hammering in my chest. I did sweat it—someone had just arrived.

Why the hell do I still feel this way?

But I couldn't deny her effortless elegance. She looked amazing in that white dress. Almost as if it was her big day. Almost as if I needed more reasons not to forget her.

I chuckled to myself. This day wasn't about anyone else but our friends. The only people who mattered at this moment. Everything was about them. No one else could take the spotlight.

I tried.

But I spent the whole ceremony glancing in her direction. Questions filled my mind—the kinds better left unanswered—but left me wondering just the same. If one thing haunted me, it was the proverbial 'what if'. I couldn't help but wonder if she ever found out my truth.

It doesn't matter anyway. Nothing would've mattered more to her, she made that very clear.

It didn't come as a surprise then, it shouldn't now. Everyone has moved on and there was no need to rehash all my emotions today. She was with someone too, as expected. I haven't stopped watching her from a distance even after her life took an amazing turn. Because I've always been proud to be the first who recognized her gift.

Taking another deep breath, I resorted to being silent at the wedding—admiring her from afar, just as I always had. That was how she wanted to live her life, and this was how I wanted to respect that decision.

But somewhere between staying confident in my maroon dress, the vows, and joyful cheers...

her eyes met mine.

Look away.

I nodded to acknowledge her and she offered a smile.

It took a simple gesture to make me feel less alone in the crowd. I loved the celebration, loved our friends, loved that I was here. But I couldn't wait for it to be over.

Weddings. Stupid weddings. I glanced at the person beside her once more before finally looking away.

All I want now is to leave.


"All I want is to know what happened."

The excitement on Dylan's face was astonishing. He had been nagging me about the wedding for a week now. I couldn't understand the prodding if we even exchanged so much of a word with each other.

What if we did? Would that have amounted to some whimsical moment? And what if I told him we didn't? Would that have shattered his hopeless romantic heart? Everyone kept asking but all I wanted was to stay unbothered just as I always had these past years.


"I already told you, the wedding was magical."

It still wasn't what he wanted to hear. But three more drinks and he would soon forget why we were at the restaurant in the first place. The same one we always came back to for a hint of that nostalgic air, blowing from eras long gone. There was something about it. Stuffy? Yes. Yet always calm, almost as if you could hear a hairpin drop at any moment.

"Not even a compliment for being so hot in your dress?"

"You're crazy. That's what you are. And annoying."

He laughed, "I just wanna know if she even saw you there. That's all I want."

It was crazy how they could think we wouldn't see each other there. It was an intimate event and Dylan was smart enough to know how I felt about that. It took a lot of energy pretending to be fine while all my insides begged me to run from the discomfort—especially when she approached me.

Smiling at the thought, I shrugged. "This conversation is over."



How many Kaylors are still here? It's good to be back! Enjoy the first chapter :D


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23 ⏰

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