11.0: Pancakes

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His eyes opened slowly as he felt the warm hands of someone touch his shoulders.

"Hyung, come downstairs. Felix is making breakfast!" An energetic voice piped up. He groaned at the loud voice booming throughout his room.

He sat up slowly, and was met with the sight of a cheerful Felix grinning brightly at him. He gave a low chuckle before following the younger boy downstairs.

As he walked into the room, the smell of pancakes flooded his senses.

It smelled so good.

He felt his lips quirk up into a smile as he observed each of the members having breakfast.

And then, he remembered.

He felt a heavy weight sink into his chest, as his happiness was replaced with disappointment.

He tried to force a smile— which seemed to have gone in vain as it failed to hide his sullen look.

As he tried to conceal his disappointment, none of them seemed to notice the way his lips curved into a frown.

Or at least, he thought so; Until a hand came up from behind him and lightly slapped his shoulder.

"Lino, aren't you gonna have breakfast with us?" Jisung said, as he stood next to him with his face stuffed with pancakes.

"I had a midnight snack and I'm still full. I'll grab something to eat later" He said with a smile, trying to ease the younger boy's worries as he saw the crease between his eyebrows begin to deepen.

His smile faltered slightly, before turning his back to him. "We should get to the car, we'll be late" Jisung nodded slowly, before following behind him.

He shook off the lingering hunger— promising himself that he'd grab something later.

It didn't help that he felt an uneasy feeling stirring within himself, but he chose to ignore it.

Maybe this is where he began to lose control.

As the rhythm of their footsteps echoed throughout the room, he found himself losing focus as he began to grow more tired.

His body hurt so much.

He winced as felt his muscles protesting every movement.

He continued dancing along with the other members— each movement sending a dull ache through his body as he struggled to keep up with the routine.

He felt his movements falter slightly as a wave of nausea washed over him, and before he could attempt to fix his clumsiness— he found himself moving just a second too late.

He felt his heart begin to race as he scrambled to catch up to their movements, but much to his dismay— their choreographer had already caught onto it.

The music cut off abruptly, and the room fell silent.

The only thing heard was the heavy groans and angry mumblings of the other members as he felt his resolve begin to crumble.

He didn't bother to hide his sullen look, as they all seemed to have reached their limits.

The choreographer spoke with an eerie smile etched across his face. "Everyone! I see you've all worked hard today, please pack your things, you can all go home— except for you, Minho. You stay with me."

They all rushed to pack their things, no one looking back as he was left alone with their choreographer.

He felt himself shrink back as the man started walking to where he was standing.

He bit his lip as the choreographer stepped forward, his face tense with frustration. "What was that, Minho?" he snapped.

Minho shrunk back as he felt the man's glaring eyes pierced daggers into his soul. He bit his lip as he tried to look unbothered.

He wasn't.

He felt like a failure.

He fumbled for words as his head became fuzzy. "I'm sorry, just not feeling well."

The man frowned, before shaking his head. "Seriously? The next time you decide to step into this room— I want you to be at your best." He nodded as the man began to walk towards the exit.

"Either show that you care about this, or you can leave my studio— and never return." He deadpanned, before leaving the room.

He let out a shaky exhale, as his body stood rigid on the hard floors.

The man's bluntness had left him speechless.

He stayed like that for a few moments, before going to retrieve his things.

As he was walking, he stopped as he caught sight of his reflection staring back at him through the large mirrors plastered all over the walls.

They were so big, he could see his entire frame up close.

He could see every bead of sweat that rolled down his body, every wrinkle, every flaw.

As his eyes scanned over his face, he noticed the way that his pores made themselves visible.

'It's the extra weight.'

He shook his head as he tried to escape his thoughts.

It made no sense, yet it felt so right.

He knew that he shouldn't trust his mind, but he found himself in a state of wonder

He never looked like this when he was skinny.

People praised him— no, they loved him.

His clear skin, delicate face.

His sharp features.

The same features that had softened as he gained weight.

The same clear skin that had begun to roughen as he gained weight.

The delicate face he once held was slowly crumbling away— and soon, it would be in the same state his body was.

In that moment, it seemed as if all his problems could be cured by being beautiful.

But he wasn't beautiful anymore.

There was only one way to describe himself.

He was fat.

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