A Year Apart, An Unfulfilled Love

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In an enormous campus of Whyteafle, there was a girl named Veronica, she was in grade 9, she was not beauty girls will be jealous or boys wanna have, she was a normal girl not some popular girl, Veronica had short brown and silky hair, a chubby cheek, unlike a tall, curvy or thin popular girl, she was more of a sweet, kind, short and nerdy type with a tomboyish touch, she was a star like other in huge sky of Whyteafle, a star who never wants to be a moon, she was good in studies, sports and everything but she didn't want any of this, all she wish for was him.....Him, totally opposite of Veronica, Ash, a tall, handsome, cute, stylish guy, he was a moon, an untouchable moon, who star like Veronica can never have, but still Veronica desire for him,Ash was Veronica's senior by 1 year, he was in grade 10, where Veronica only had some chosen friends, he had a full gang of his boys, every time Veronica saw him , he was was surrounded by his boys, a good girl like Veronica falls for the bad boy like Ash, Ash like others was just a normal boy but in Veronica's eyes, he was the most charming person ever.....Veronica used to secretly glance whenever she can, irrespective of place and time, no matter is it was Assembly or lunch or Play Time, her eyes would only search him, a single look of him could make her all say, a bold, tomboyish, strong girl like Veronica used to turn into a most sensitive, feminine and mature girl whenever Ash passed by her, no matter if it's day or night all she think about was him and her, all her rough notebooks were scribbled by only and only his name.....She hates whenever a girl used to get close to him or whenever he was happily talking with a girl, she wants to be the only girl in his world, Veronica was not interested in writing but her feelings for Ash turns her into a most amazing poet, she used to write various poem for themOne of them was as follows:"If you're a story, I be your main characterIf you're a flower, I be your admirerIf you're a love, I be your loverIf you're a painting, let it be colored by my tearsEven though we are not together today, we'll be sure together tomorrowYou got me hypnotized by your eyesEventually, your heart is a prison and I be your prisoner"Veronica's feeling for Ash grew more and more and finally comes the day of which others were waiting too much but Veronica wasn't, it was the day of farewell, as a senior, Ash was leaving the school that day, Veronica was deeply sad that Ash was leaving and she won't again able to see him ever, Veronica was all cheerful, bright, happy in front of others but deep down she wanted to cry, though it was party for others it was a pity party for her, more than sadness there was guilt that she never propose or confess to him because no matter how much she tried to convince herself that he likes her, deep inside she also know that he don't feel the same for her but sometimes even after fully being aware of the truth you hope for the wrong answer, Veronica never have the courage to confess to Ash but on the last day she wrote a letter for Ash and put it in his bag when Ash open the letter of Veronica's feeling but as her name wasn't on the letter for obvious reason and as expected Ash took the letter and read it with a frown being confuse about this secret admirer of him and finally the day end with Veronica having the last glance of Ash and as she was about to go out, a voice cause Veronica to halt on her way, it was none other than her prince charming Ash, he come to her and gave her the chocolate saying, "This is for you, beautiful" with this he left having the same charming smile on his face while Veronica stayed there fully blank, with this, a year apart love story of Veronica was left unfulfilled. 

 THE END.....


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