"So, is that your boyfriend? He's hot but he's kind of a freak." The cheerleader judged."He's actually really sweet. You just don't know him that's why." The disguised teenager vouched for the now standing boy.
"We should go." The red head said to the prejudice girls.
"Wait." They stop in front of her books, he draped his brown jacket over his jacket making her blush.
"Your carrying my books?" A blush tinted her cheeks.
"You don't want to get them wet do you?" As they walked slowly away his super hearing kicked in.
"Awww. She's so right! I mean he's just really sweet on her."
"Plus he's hot!"
"I can't believe he gave her his jacket! That's sooo romantic."
"I wish my boyfriend was that sweet and hot."
As they the conversation kept going the corner of his mouth tugged not because of what they were saying but because he was thinking how much she deserves everything.