Love Me Like You Do

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"No, no means no. How many time do i have to tell you uncle am not interested plseas leave this matter. " A young man in his mid twenties said while walking down the stairs of his house while a middle aged person following his like a lost puppy.

"Come on son this is the last time. I will not force you again just for this old man agree naa. " The old man whined in front of the boy who just rolled his eyes at the man's tantrums.

"This is the same thing you said last time uncle *SoN tHiS iS tHe LaSt TiMe* huh"

He said while mimicking the way the old man said last. The man just smiled showing his full teeth.

"But tae trust me this is the last time my boy I swear on my only son. "

"Oh come on dad don't bring me on this I want live long for god sake. " Jimin said while eyeing his dad and best friend who had been bickering for a long one hour.

"Just shut up you fully ungrown sprem on mine let me make my boy mingle with someone. " Jin-young said while glaring at his son who had his mouth wide open listening the insult he just got.

While tae was trying his best to not laugh out loudly. But soon he shut his mouth when he saw how his best friend and his dad is eyeing him. He gulp so hard that they both look at each other and smirk.

"So my dear bestie what have you decided to go or not to go. " Jimin asked while bobing his head according to his sentence.

Taehyung signed as the both son and dad look at him with there puppy eyes.
"Fine... But this will be the last blind date I will go. " He said while raising his both hands in air.

Taehyung chuckled when he saw his best friend and his dad dancing with little steps. His brown eyes twinkled with happiness when he saw his only family in this world being happy just because of his yes. Gosh how much he adore this two

"Ok ok i will go but did you guys infrom his family that am an orphan. " Tae asked with a raised eyebrows which made the other both two stop their little happy dance.

"Well they don't know but the boy know isn't that enough. " Jimin asked with a sheepish grin to which tae just sign.

"Don't be upset son not everyone is same some one will be there who will accept you without looking at your family back ground. " Jin-young said while patting his non-biological son.

So this is the situation in this house now let me introduce this three idiots.

                     Kim Taehyung                       27 years old                    Collage professor                          Orphan

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                     Kim Taehyung
                       27 years old
                    Collage professor

                     Kim Taehyung                       27 years old                    Collage professor                          Orphan

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