Volume 7 Chapter 5: Lucky Dragon

383 12 213

Probably Typos idk. I don't get paid enough for this.

Tokyo, Japan
Monday, December 16th, 2019


Me {What?}

Ryuuen [What did you just say?]

Yoshida [Back when around school started I've noticed something was off]

Ryuuen [Off?]

Yoshida [Yes. Things went to perfectly whether I tried doing anything or I didn't. This lead me to believe there's a person in class B controlling everything from the shadows]

Ryuuen [This person. Have you found them yet?]

Yoshida [No. But I have cleared more than half of the class, around 9 left I believe]

Ryuuen [Wow, I'm impressed... Are any of those who aren't cleared standing behind us?]

Yoshida [Maybe]

Ryuuen [Why don't we work together. To find this X person?]

Horikita [Nagi-kun, you can't agree to that, it's Ryuuen-kun]

Yoshida [We worked with Class D before. What's the difference now?]

Horikita [Tsk]

Yoshida [Sure. I'll agree]

Me {They shook hands, leaving the rest of us flabbergasted}

Me {It seems like my peaceful life will be over very soon...}

Tokyo, Japan
Keyaki Mall
Monday, December 23rd, 2019


Me {Movie time!}

Me {Red Unlocked Episode Nagi Movie}

Me {I hope it will be good}

Me {I sat in the back middle row, the best spot to watch a movie}

Me {I sat there and watched the previews until the theater became dark}

Me {Though I saw a figure sit down right next to me, the manga recently came out. So the only people who are here have to be big fans. Which is only me and this random person}

Me {I looked to my left to identify the person. It was Ibuki Mio of class C}

??? [We apologize for the inconvenience. Please wait a little bit longer]

Ibuki [Hey, Nagi-kun, what's taking so long? Shouldn't the movie be starting by now?]

Me [Yeah...]

Ibuki [Great. Just our luck. Every time we're together, something goes wrong.]

Me [Maybe it's a sign. We should have just stayed home.]

Ibuki [Home? That sounds boring. But seriously, it's annoying. I wanted to see this movie.]

Me[I get it. But it's not the end of the world. We can always chat while we wait.]

Ibuki [Chat? Fine]

Me [So, has Ryuuen had you up to?]

Ibuki [Just the usual. Trying to keep to myself. It's easier that way. But I have to admit, hanging out with you isn't so bad.]

Me [The great Ibuki enjoying my company?]

Ibuki [Hey, Don't get too comfortable. I'm still going to defeat you one day. Just you wait.]

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