Epoch ايبوتش

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"بين ثنايا الحرب القاسية، تجرّد الفتى من رداء إنسانيته، ليس إقرارًا بالقسوة، بل انتصارًا للحب الذي يغمر قلبه لأهله وأرضه، حبًا يتعالى على الألم، يرفض الخضوع، ينشد العدالة."

"Amidst the harsh folds of war, the boy stripped away the mantle of his humanity, not as an admission of cruelty, but as a triumph for the love that fills his heart for his people and land, a love that transcends pain, refuses to yield, and seeks justice."
soul for homeland and kin."

# Chapter One: The Untouched Land

In a time long past, when the earth still cradled its secrets within its folds, and the sky covered the world with a veil of mystery, there was a small village nestled in the embrace of nature, isolated from the clamor of the world and its greed. This village was home to the boy **Theo** and his friends, where life flowed at a peaceful pace, and days were alike, filled with play, laughter, and innocent adventures.

In the heart of the village where souls intertwined, and hands shared the bread of life, Theo sat among his family and friends at a table laden with the colors of nature and its bounty. The table stretched like a river of blessings, around which the villagers gathered as one family, exchanging laughter and stories, with echoes of wishes resonating in the air.

And there was Daniyar, the village leader, sitting at the head of the table, his eyes shining with wisdom and contentment. His voice flowed like stream water, quenching hearts before minds, and his words carried the weight of years and the fragrance of experiences.

"Theo, my son," Daniyar said in his deep voice, "the land from which we eat its goodness today is the same that embraces our dreams for tomorrow. Let us praise it and care for it as it cares for us."

Theo nodded, passing his gaze among the faces present, faces that told stories of work and giving, and eyes that sparkled with hope and optimism. As he reached out to cut a piece of bread, he felt the warmth coursing through his soul, the warmth of belonging and love that united him with his people and land.

At that moment, laughter rose, children ran among the adults, and women exchanged talk about the latest recipes and secrets of the fields. Life seemed simple yet rich, rich with love and peace, rich with everything that makes a person feel part of something greater, something worth preserving and defending.

But peace was not to last, for news arrived of strangers bearing flags never before raised on these lands, and with them vast armies seeking control and wealth. With their first steps on the village soil, the winds of change began to blow, threatening to tear apart the tranquil fabric of Theo's and the villagers' lives.

In an instant, games turned into battles, laughter into screams, and adventures into a struggle for survival...

# الفصل الأول: الأرض التي لم تُمس

في زمنٍ بعيد، حيث الأرض كانت لا تزال تحتضن أسرارها بين طياتها، والسماء تغطي العالم بستار من الغموض، كانت هناك قرية صغيرة تقبع في أحضان الطبيعة، معزولة عن صخب العالم وأطماعه. كانت هذه القرية موطنًا للفتى **ثيو** وأصدقائه، حيث الحياة تسير بوتيرة هادئة، والأيام تتشابه، مليئة باللعب والضحك والمغامرات البريئة.

في قلب القرية حيث تتعانق الأرواح، وتتشارك الأيدي خبز الحياة، جلس ثيو بين أهله وأصدقائه على مائدة طعام عامرة بألوان الطبيعة وعطائها. كانت المائدة تمتد كنهر من النعم، يجتمع حولها أهل القرية كأسرة واحدة، يتبادلون الضحكات والقصص، وتتردد أصداء الأماني في الأرجاء.

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