Chapter Fourteen: The Perfect Monster.

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   Makima had no relatives, it was only her, her brother Akashi and father. Makima told Shida and Mai that in their family every household held an only child apart from her father's who held two kids. Shikoto Jaeger, Makima's father, was an only child and he lost his cousins when he was young making his family the last of the Jaeger clan. So Makima did not have any cousins or relatives, her mother left when she was young.
   However, all of this was false.
When Makima awakened her ability, the ability to compel. She learnt how to effectively use it, although she kept her ability to herself. When Makima was twelve her family hosted all of her relatives. Every member of the Jaeger Clan was present apart from Shikoto Jaeger and Akira Jaeger. As everyone enjoyed themselves, Makima asked for their attention so that she could say something that would change the entire way of the cycle.
   " It is so mesmerizing to see all the joyful faces here. However, there is something great we can also celebrate, the ending of the cycle!!", Makima said.
   As soon as she said that murmurs began to be heard. Everyone wondered what Makima was talking about.
   " The entire purpose of our clan is to succeed at our predecessors experiments. The next generation will have better holders of the eyes. Powerful. I will lead them to the very end, the cycle ends very soon. However, for that to happen I'm afraid you all have to die. For the sole purpose of putting an end to the cycle, I ask of you all, TAKE YOUR FAMILIES AND KILL YOURSELVES. BE SAINTS AND DIE FOR THE DEATH OF THE CYCLE!!!!"
   Makima's eye's dripped with blood after her statement. She used her eye ability to compel her family members to kill themselves. And they did. Each of them at different places and times killed their family and the single themselves. That is why Makima had no relatives, she killed all of them without even laying a finger on any of them.
   A few days later a video leaked out of what happened at CREATE facility warehouse with Rionoske and Tenji.
Phones were buzzing, news stations were trying to figure things out, and the press constantly pursued Rionoske, Rin and Jin to get more information on the case but it was confidential.
   A few days later Tenji's funeral was held, everyone from his family, friends and such were in attendance. The funeral was short but felt long to some. This was the first time Mai had ever shed a tear over someone's death. She could finally understand what death was and she knew how to react. In her head she blamed Shikoto for what happened, her mind began to despise him, he was the reason why so many people in her life died. During the funeral Mai's objective changed, she now wants to make Shikoto pay for what he had done. Meanwhile at the station, Jin had refused to attend Tenji's funeral.
   " Jin c'mon let's go", Rin said.
   " I don't want to go", Jin said.
   "Why not?"
   "Because I've failed everyone there"
   "No you haven't the case is still going."
   " Rin we are from the Bureau of Private Sector Investigators, the greatest institution in the whole world and we failed to protect a boy from some monster. How can I even face everyone there? I failed to protect Tenji, I'm a failure Rin. I don't deserve to be on this case."
   " Stand up Jin. Don't be foolish. You haven't failed yet. That monster Tenji was talking about is still out there and it will probably find another to manipulate. You want to be the cause of all of that? Another kid dies because you got too consumed in your feelings, is this Jin McCain? The Bureau's best Detective, second to no one, you were nicknamed the HUNTER so hunt, who did this to your nephew hunt them, who killed Makima and Heine hunt them, whom kidnapped Shikoto hunt them until your heart gives out. Because YOU are Jin McCain."
   Rins words hit hard. But they were effective, Jin did not let his feelings get in the way of his work. He was going to hunt and capture whoever the bastard is.
   A few days passed and riots began to occur frequently throughout the city. All because some people supported the perfect monster. In the center of town the biggest riot ever witnessed was occurring. Police men and some from the army came to put a stop to it. The riot was so violent, the police men had to use smoke bombs and tear gas and some even gunshots to scare the rioters away but all of this came to no avail they were too many of them.
   " You cannot stop us from doing this until you've done as asked. LEAVE THE PERFECT MONSTER ALONE. HE PUNISHED THAT TENJI BOY FOR HIS CRIMES AGAINST THE SENJU AND JAEGER FAMILY. HE IS GOOD, HE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO DOES MORE THAN WHAT YOU FLITHY WRETCH DO. JUST LIKE TENJI KATAGIRI SAID, LET HIM CONTINUE TO CLEANSE THE MONSTER RACE CALLED HUMANITY", Tagami said, the leader of the rioters. They all believed Shikoto was they one who could help humanity, but was that really Shikoto's goal?

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