Got my wish

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Three months later, God answered my prayers and we were friends. Real friends. Best friends. Graham was someone I could trust with all my secrets, I could have told him about how I think my little sister, Julie, was annoying, or how my older sister, Makayla was such a bully. And he could tell me about how his older sister was always bothering him and not respecting his privacy. We told each other everything and we were always together unless I was playing with Joyce, Malerie, and Marrisa.

Graham said that my friends were fake and that they were toxic, but every time he would say that I would defend him as if he wasn't wrong.

"Hey!" Graham had said. "Wanna do the homework together?"

I nod as I take out a spare paper to do the homework, I wasn't talking to Joyce because just a week later she gave me a concussion by roughly pushing me against a pole after I asked her to stop using me as her punching bag.

"Do you think we're going to be friends 20 years from now?"

"Definitely!" I had said with no hesitation. "We're going to grow old together and become rich!"

"But what if we don't?"

I sigh. "What about we promise to it? No one can break a promise." My dumb 10-year-old self had said, thinking promises were unbreakable.

He nods. "How does it go?"

I think."How about we say at the same time, I promise we will always be friends forever."

"How about we do it Henry Danger style?"

I nodded as we put my hand on my chest and we said in unison "I promise that we will forever be friends."

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