Chapter 20

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The next day, Jungkook decided to take Jungwoo to the playground near Jimin’s place. It was a peaceful morning, and he needed some time to clear his head after the intense conversation with Jimin the night before. Plus, Jungwoo had been eager to play, his energy contagious as always. The playground was nestled in a quiet park surrounded by trees, offering the perfect escape from the weight of the situation at home.

As they arrived, Jungwoo immediately ran toward the swings, his little legs moving as fast as they could. "Push me, Daddy!" he shouted, already climbing onto the swing with excitement in his eyes.

Jungkook chuckled, his heart swelling with affection as he walked over to his son. "Alright, hold on tight," he said, giving Jungwoo a gentle push, watching as his son soared higher and higher, laughing in the wind.

It was moments like these that made everything worth it. For a brief moment, Jungkook could forget about the tension with Yeri, the confusion with Jimin, and the strain of keeping his emotions in check. Here, with Jungwoo’s laughter echoing in the air, everything felt simple again.

But that peace didn’t last long.

As he pushed the swing, Jungkook noticed someone familiar in the distance. It was Dohyun, Jimin’s ex. He was standing by a bench, laughing with a woman Jungkook didn’t recognize. The sight of Dohyun didn’t bother Jungkook — after all, he was just another face from the past, someone who had no real relevance in his current life. What caught Jungkook’s attention, however, was the way the woman beside Dohyun was staring at him.

At first, Jungkook thought he might be imagining it. Maybe she was just glancing his way out of curiosity. But then, as he continued to push Jungwoo, he felt her gaze linger, and when he glanced back, she was still staring—this time, with a look that made him feel... uncomfortable.

Her eyes were unmistakably seductive, and it was obvious she wasn’t trying to hide it. She smiled slowly, her lips curling in a way that made Jungkook’s stomach turn. It wasn’t subtle; it was deliberate, a look designed to get his attention. Jungkook shifted on his feet, feeling a sudden wave of discomfort. His grip on the swing tightened as he glanced down at Jungwoo, trying to focus on his son instead of the unsettling stare he was receiving.

Why was she looking at him like that? He didn’t even know her. She was with Dohyun, and from the looks of it, they seemed to be a couple. Yet, her attention was fixed entirely on Jungkook.

Jungkook sighed, trying to shake off the feeling. It wasn’t the first time a woman had looked at him like that. But here, in the park, with his son playing beside him and his mind preoccupied with far more important matters, it felt out of place — inappropriate, even.

He stole another glance toward Dohyun and the woman, hoping that maybe he had misread the situation. But no, the woman was still watching him, her smile growing wider as if she enjoyed making him uncomfortable. And worse, Dohyun seemed completely oblivious, laughing and talking as though nothing was happening.

Jungkook could feel a prickle of annoyance rising inside him. He wasn’t in the mood for this. Not today.

He tried to ignore it, turning his attention back to Jungwoo, who was now trying to pump his legs in the swing, determined to go higher without his father’s help. "Daddy, I’m flying!" Jungwoo shouted joyfully.

Jungkook forced a smile and nodded, "You sure are, Woonie. You’re doing great."

But even as he focused on his son, Jungkook couldn’t shake the feeling that the woman’s eyes were still on him, watching, waiting. Every so often, he would glance back in their direction, only to find her gaze fixed on him again, her smile never faltering.

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