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'No, I need you.'
Your handphone buzzed.

This was the 34th time your boyfriend had been spam calling you.
Eyebrows furrowed in annoyance, you declined his call in exasperation, and threw your phone to the side.
You knew you shouldn't be doing this because it wasn't really his fault, but you were in no mood to be forgiving.

You had been dealing with alot of problems with school recently, and you were overwhelmed with schoolwork.
Furthermore, Taehyung had been getting a lot of admirers lately. Taehyung had been your only way of relieving stress, but when you told him about your problems and worries, he immediately disagreed with you and said you were being "oversensitive".
That was the final shove.

You had ran away crying, yelling that he wouldn't ever understand the feeling of being insecure as he was always popular.
Taehyung had tried to chase after you, totry and fix things, but it was already too late.
You had already ran home, eyes welled with tears.
A few passerbys gave you skeptical glances but you just ignored them. You took the lift home and after a while a spam of calls from Taehyung came.

You didn't understand why Taehyung couldn't have been more understanding, especially if he knew you were insecure.
You had expected him to console you and reassure you that you were his, but he didn't.
You laughed to yourself.
Taehyung was popular, good-looking, charming, and was 100% boyfriend material.
Why would someone like him, choose you?
You were just a plain old jane, nothing special.

When you had got together with him, gossip about you spread around the whole school.
'Ew, why would Taehyung choose her?'
'Omg, Taehyung is blind'
'I hope they break up soon'

You had pretended not to hear them and believed that Taehyung chose you for who you were and that he really loved you.
But now, you weren't really sure. You had pretended not to notice, but Taehyung had changed these past few months.
In the beginning, you were like his Queen.
But slowly, you felt more and more like a peasant ; like an ordinary friend.

The phone rang again. 'Just more excuses' you thought, and decided to ignore it.

After the 38th time, you had started to get really annoyed and decided to pick up the phone.

Upon picking up the phone, you yelled in frustration,
'Stop calling me!
Call your admirers and tell them how much you love them and how not oversensitive they are.
You don't need me anymore, don't you?
Now that you have all of them? Just forget it, Taehyung.'.

'Ani, I need you.
I'm sorry for calling you oversensitive.
You were right.
It's normal for you to feel insecure and worried.
I'm sorry for being insensitive to your feelings.
Babe, I love you.
I don't love any other girl.
Don't listen to the rumours and gossip that's spreading all around.
You only need to put your faith and trust in me.
Only look at me, and ignore the jealous admirers.
You're enough for me.
Babe, I need you, and only you.".

'Ani, I need you.'Where stories live. Discover now