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I'm going on a trip for a few days so this might be my last post for a while its only like two days though.

rainshots pov:

we arrived back at camp and made our way to the med tent where cascade was waiting for us. "hey is bee doing alright" I asked when I saw the worried look on his face. "yeah he's doing fine now but he ended up throwing up all the energon he had down hes in recharge now" he explained gaining a calmer look on his face. "I feel so bad" I said not able to hold it in anymore. "me to, after every thing we worked for to help him then just have something like this happen it's ....... depressing" cascade let out and I could see the despair in his optics. "I know what's its like to lose a part of yourself but I can still walk and talk I can still tell you how I feel but bee he cant primus he can barely walk" highfire whimpered and let out a long sigh at the end. "hell get stronger his wounds will heal and well fine a way for him to talk again I know we will" I said trying to have a positive outlook but it was hard. 

"thanks sweetspark but I cant move on, not yet" he replied and walked off. cascade came over and stood beside me. "he blames himself" cascade stated  watching highfire walk off. I gave a sigh and turned back to the tent. "why does everything have to be so hard why can't Megatron just give up doesn't he see where killing our planet" I exclaimed clenching my fist. "I don't know but if we keep on fighting were going to run out of energon" he said looking at our low pile of energon. "I wonder if there's another planet out there with more energon" I questioned out loud.  "that would be a miracle" he responded. "hey you and highfire should get some recharge to you need it just as much as bee" I nodded and walked off to find highfire. I realized how tired I actually was. some recharge would definitely be nice and maybe I could get some cuddles out of highfire if he was feeling like it. 

ratchets pov:

I finished with the patients and succeeded in not loosing a single one. I stepped back tired and weak. Optimus walked into the tent. "hello old friend" he said placing a friendly servor on my shoulder. "hello Optimus" I replied. "you should get some recharge you need it" his words sounded pleasant. "I'll do that" I said not wanting to argue with him. I slipped into the back of the tent and layed down on the berth ready to finally get some recharge. ~hello ratchet~ I shot up looking around. "h-hello" I whispered. w-where did that voice come from. ~im sorry if I spooked you I mean no harm~  who are you and where are you. The voice answered inside my helm. ~i am in your mind but I only have a short time i am the allspark and I have come to give you a message so listen closely~ I listened on intently. If it was a message from n the allspark I wouldn't want to risk losing it.

 'Go on' ~bumblebees voice box cannot be repaired but another one can be given you must make it I can only give you one instruction and you must do the rest~ 'what is it' ~ infuse it with his CNA~ and then it was silent. Infuse it how in the name of primus was I meant to do that. I got up I wouldn't be able to have any recharge now after what just happened. I racked my mind trying to find any solution. Could that no mmmmh to risky no .............. Yes! I sat down a data pad in sector and being. Writing down anything that could be useful. I looked back down at my work. It was far from complete but it could work I just had to set my spark on it.

Bumblebees pov:

I stirred from my recharge. I sat up my mind still foggy with sleep. I stretched my stiff limbs and my frame finally felt the intensity of my wounds. I sat up shaking away the fog. I looked around the small room and decided to go outside get some fresh air. If there was such a thing as fresh anymore. I slipped off the berth and walked out the door my wounds throbbing and I was struggling to walk but I needed to get outside the stench was starting to get to me. I left the tent into a bright and sunny camp but it still seemed dreary. I spotted my friends a little ways across the camp and walked over to them. Normally I would have called out to let them know I was coming since sneaking up on a bot would normally land you ether a blaster to your helm or a punch to the gut.

 Instead I tapped on Rainshot shoulder. She turned around and her optics grew big and friendly when she saw me. "Hey bee glad to see your doing better" she said letting me into the small circle that consisted of cascade, highfire, and wheeljack. They all gave me friendly smiles and I returned the favor. Than I remember my mouth and turned my helm away. No one seemed to notice and continued on their conversation. "well were almost completely out of energon and the deceptions hold control of most of the mines" wheeljack said recapping the situation. stupid cons I cursed to myself. "We could always look for energon off world" rainshot added. "That could work but how are we going to find which planets" highfire added. "We could scan for it" Cascade suggested.

"Well I know that in the early start of the war both of the sides started hiding there energon spoils off world we just have to figure out which ones" wheeljack said deep in thought. Oh I knew who would know Optimus. I tapped on rainshots shoulder again. "Oh bee do you know someone" she said and I responded in a quick nod. Then I looked around for something to write on. I didn't see anything. Then turned sadly back to her. "Just try and act them out" I put my servor high above my helm trying to show he was tall. She just locked her helm to the side in confusion. "Sorry bee I don't know who you mean" she apologized. My door wings dropped then I saw Optimus across the camp. I looked back to her and pointed at him. She turned around looking for what I was pointing at.

"Your right bee Optimus would know" she said and started walking over to him and I followed. "Hello rainshot and bumblebee" he arrested us as we walked up. "hello Optimus" she returned the greeting and I just smiled at him. "What is it that you need" he questioned. "Would you happen to know where the first generation of bots would have hid there energon spoils.....off world" he looked down for a moment. "I do not know the exact coordinates they are located at but I do know the quadren they are in" he replied after a few seconds. Rainshot smiled up at him. "That is a very smart idea but I hope that it will never have to be used because that would mean we have to abandoned Cybertron and we cannot afford to lose our planet to the decepticons" he explained.

"Thank you Optimus" rainshot said before turning to walk away. I started to follow but I was stopped when I felt Optimus servor on my shoulder. I turned back around to face him cocking my helm to the side to show my confusion. He kneeled down to my height and I started to get a little scared. What was he doing "Bumblebee I want to thank you for your sacrifice without it we would have lost the war to the decepticons.......... My only regret is not being able to spare you from the cruelty of Megatrons rath" he said locking optics with mine. I wanted to tell him I didn't blame him just like I didn't blame highfire but instead I was forced to stay silent unable to tell anyone how I really feel.

His optics flickered around my face then locked with mine again. "I'm proud of you" he said giving me a kind smile standing back up and turning to walk away. I stood there looking on after him. He was proud of me why all I did was for the mission. It might have been my life on the line but I would always take that risk if it meant someone I cared for would still have a spark bearing in there chassis. I turned away pondering his words. I wanted to say something to someone anyone to get a answer but I.......... can't.

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