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~~~~time skip half a month~~~~

Bumblebees pov:

It's been half a month since I got back from my mission. My wounds have healed good for the most part. The deeper ones are still a little sore but better for the most part. I managed to get by so far without a voice but I don't know how much longer I can go on like this. Having to ether write or act it out was infuriating. But things were looking up I had gone three days without forgetting to eat even if it was hard. I walked across the camp looking for highfire or someone. Instead I saw wheeljack. I walked up to him and shrugged my shoulders. "Oh hey kid if your looking for your friends there out on patrol" he said waiting to see if that was my question. I nodded and turned and walked off. Most of the bots had gotten used to me not having a voice but that didn't change the fact that I could barely communicate.

Ratchets pov:

Almost one more........ "Click" I set what I was working on back down on the table and taking a step back. "Yes" I said out loud. I heard someone's ped steps behind me and I turned to face whoever it was. "hello Optimus" I greeted him as he entered the small tent. "hello my old friend...... Is that" he said looking at the small mechanical device I was working on. "Yes......... it's a new voice box for bee" he looked at me joy frolicking in his optics. "Would you like me to get him for you" he offered but I waved my servor and declined. "No thank you I wish to deliver to good news" I said and turned back to my desk picking up the voice box and setting it carefully in one of the drawers. "But Optimus.......... It will not be his true voice" his expression didn't change. He took a step forward placing his servor on my shoulder.

"He will love it" he said reassuring me. "I sure hope he does" I said still slightly stressed. He smiled at me once more and turned walking out of the tent. I took a deep breath and walked out after him to look for bee. I scanned the camp looking for his bright yellow color. I spotted him next to wheeljack who was saying something to him. I watched as his wings gave a small drop before he nodded and turned away. I made my way over to him walking up next to where he was standing looking for something to do. "Bumblebee" I said getting his attention. He turned to me his optics back to there bright blue hue. He smiled at me with a scared mouth and I couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

"I have something for you" he cocked his helm to the side in confusion. I held back a chuckle he always looked cute when he did that because his door wings did the same. One would drop whichever way he tilted his helm. He had gotten very good at using other things to express himself. "Just follow me" I said leading him back to the tent. He passed at the front looking a little nervous. "Trust me you'll love it" I said encouraging him and he walked in. I had noticed he always passed before he entered the med tent and I had always wondered if it was the sour smell or his claostrophobia talking. I followed him in he was just standing awkwardly in the middle of the room.

"I didn't tell you about it because I didn't know if I would ever find a way to complete it but I have now" he looked at me with a mixture of excitement and confusion in his optics. They had become much more expressive since he lost his voice. They were saying. 'just tell me what it is already' "it's a new voice box" his optics went wide and his wings stuck straight up in surprise he was so excited I felt bad having to break the news it wouldn't be the same. "But I have to warn you you won't sound the same" I said and his expression only changed a little bit he was still ecstatic with joy. He quickly moved in and hugged me. I have in and patted his back.

I had a soft spot for him I think most of the camp did seeing he was the youngest even though he acted more mature than some of the bots here at times. He pulled away looking up at me utter happiness in his optics "Do You want me to install it now" he quickly nodded. "So you want it to be a surprise" he nodded his helm again. I smiled kindly at him and led him into the berth room. He sat down on the berth and started looking nervous again. "Hey your going to be in stasis you won't even feel it" he started looking even more nervous when I said stasis. "Have you never been in stasis" I said in confusion. He shook his helm. "Don't worry it doesn't hurt you don't feel anything while your under" he nodded looking less stressed.

I smiled to myself knowing he trusted me enough to let me do this without his friends knowing. They cared about him and to not ones surprise got worried when he went on a scouting mission by himself which he did a lot before the ........ Mission. "Ok I'm going to hook this up to your chassis and then your going to feel like your going into recharge" I explained as he layed down on the berth. I walked over and Hooked him up putting him into stasis. Is optics went into recharge. I then set to work giving him his voice back even if it was a little weird.

Highfires pov:

"You think bee knows we're gone" I said as I walked along side rainshot. She just smiled back at me a small smirk in her face. "What's that for" I said nudging her in the side. "You are always thinking about him" Cascade chimed in. "Well.................... Yeah but I owe my life to him without him I would have bleed out in some far off scrap yard" I said trying to explain myself. "You blame you don't you" rainshot said looking up at me. "Yes I do but so does bee but he won't except the fact that I would have been in that scrap yard anyways" I said and we headed back to camp. "You shouldn't neither of you should but yet you still do and the only person who can change that is you two" she added.

"You always were a wise bot rainshot" I commented and bumped her in the side. She giggled and kept walking. Eventually we reached camp. "Hey you guys want some energon we found a good mine a few minutes ago while you were in patrol" wheeljack said waving us over. "Sure" I replied and walked over and sat down. I wondered if bee had eaten yet and I made a mental note to myself to asked him. Then I heard it. ::hey guys::

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