Chapter 1: The Road To Warped

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I finally finished my makeup and took out my lipstick. Time for the final touch. I coloured my pale lips with my signature lipstick colour, Nars Jungle Red. I took out my phone and quickly snapped a few selfies- I looked too good that it would be a waste not to.

"Britney, hurry the fuck up!" Ryan, the lead singer of our band, called from downstairs.

"I'm coming!" I yelled, slightly annoyed. I opened the door that connected my bathroom to my bedroom and grabbed my luggage, rushing downstairs. I scribbled a note for my mom, knowing it was useless because she probably won't even look at it, but did it anyway.

Just a reminder that Warped Tour starts today.


I left the note on the kitchen counter and hurried to the front door.

"Jeez, you take longer than Josh," Ryan said, shaking his head, with a small smile, while helping me with my luggage.

"Hey! I don't take nearly that long," Josh said and playfully punched Ryan.

"Yeah yeah, just get in the bus," Ryan instructed. He was always the serious, no-nonsense type of guy. Josh half-ran to the tour bus. I locked the door to my house and followed them to the bus. It was black with our band name, Megalomaniac, written on the side in drippy red letters. I still couldn't believe that we were actually going to be on Warped Tour. It was unreal.

I took out my camera and took a photo of the bus, before going in. I put my stuff down on the floor and walked to where the bunks were. Knowing I'd probably roll off the bunk and fall on the floor if I chose a top one, I chose a bottom one near the back.

"Guys, this one's mine," I told the others and put my camera down on the bed.

I walked back to the front area and opened the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water and sitting down on the couch next to Mike. Just then, my phone made a noise, signaling that I got a text. It was from my best friend, Viviana, or Vivi, as most people called her.

Vivi- Did you leave yet?

Britney- Yep, we're on our way to Arizona!! This is gonna be long road trip

Vivi- Hahaha!! Have fun!

Britney- Thanks xx

I put my phone back in my boot and leaned back, drinking my water. I couldn't believe this was actually happening. I honestly didn't expect my band to get this far, but it did and we were actually going to be on Warped Tour.

"Britney, let's take a selfie to post on instagram," Mike said with a laugh. I giggled and agreed. He put his phone camera on selfie mode and I stuck out my tongue, while he did the peace sign with his fingers. He snapped the photo and posted it to our band's instagram with the caption, 'On our way to Warped Tour. The tour bus is awesome!!'

I looked out the window at the passing trees and cars and what felt like a while later, the sign that said, Leaving Montana. I got up and walked to the back where some of our instruments were and picked up my black electric guitar. Slinging the strap across my shoulder, I walked back to where the couches were and sat down. I started practicing one of our songs that we'd be playing on the first date. It sounded weird without the amplifier, but I practiced until it was time for a rest stop.

*A Very Boring 22 Hours Later*

"Britney, wake up! We're here!" I heard Josh call loudly. I groaned and covered my face with a pillow. After a few seconds, I checked the time. It was only 7 a.m. I sighed and forced myself out of bed. Despite how early it was, I was too excited to stay in bed. I rolled out of my bunk and picked out an outfit for today. I chose a short, ruffly black dress with spaghetti straps and fishnet stockings. Unlike most performers, I hated to wear the same outfit every time I performed. I took my clothes along with my makeup bag and went into the small bathroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2015 ⏰

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