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Bumblebees pov:

I slowly stirred again and woke up to the same tent top I had seen to many times. I sat up and looked around where I saw Ratchet standing nervously shifting his peds. I let my peds hang over the edge of the berth. "go on try it" he encouraged. ::h-hello:: that was my voice it wasn't normal it was bleeps and wirrs instead but I didn't care I had a voice. "Hahaha yes" ratchet said happy it worked. ::thank you ratchet:: I said finally able to thank him for saving my life and everything else. I got off the berth and gave him another hug. He just patted my helm again. "I'll leave you to it now" he said and walked out of the tent. I walked into the bathroom to see if it had changed anything. I looked into the mirror and lifted my helm.

My neck looked all the same but with more carefully welded patches. I looked back up to my scard mouth. ::come on bee you can talk now go find your friends:: I said this and observed my mouth. I said those both to see what it did but also try and get myself moving. My mouth followed the movements as if I was really talking but instead the bleeps and wirrs came out. It looked odd as if it wasn't me talking. I raised my arm to see if it made a difference. ::dose it:: I said out loud. It did it didn't look weird it sounded like it was my actual voice and not something that someone made. I dropped my arm and slowly movedy digits over my mouth. I could just cover it couldn't I. And with that it activated my mouth guard.

I normally never used it since I had a full mask but that one was long gone. It covered it nicely still leaving my optics bright and happy. ::hello:: I tried it out again. It worked perfectly. I smiled beneath the mask. I could just barely see it but it was there. I looked away and walked back out of the door and into the main tent room. I spotted my half eaten energon cube and decided it was better to have some now than have to remove my mask out there. I sat down and ate it with almost no difficulty. When I finished I reactivated my mask and walked out to go look for my friends. I spotted them sitting down with wheeljack at a table. I walked over and stood behind them. ::hey guys::

Highfires pov:

::hey guys:: that voice it was weird it came out in a series of bleeps and wirrs but I could understand it. It was alien but somehow familiar like I had known it for some time. I turn around to see who or what it was and there he stood. My yellow and black friend standing straight up wings perked high and a smile across his face or what you could still see of it. "Bumblebee was that you" I said unsure if it was him. ::yeah it was me:: he replied and I instantly sprung up. "Primus bee how did you get your voice back" I said giving him a quick hug. :: ratchet made me a new voice box:: he answered in this new and strange voice. He had his mask up and I wondered if it was something with his mouth or the voice box but I didn't care.

"oh bee your talking" I said and pulled out of the hug. "rainshot, Cascade listen bee got his voice back" they wiped around and were instantly next to me. ::hello:: he said giving them a kind smile under his mask. "BUMBLEBEE h-how" rainshot stammered. ::ratchet made me a new one:: he explained again. They didn't seem to care it was different either. "Praise Primus where is he anyways" Cascade said looking around. "I'm right here" it startled me when I heard his voice behind me. I turned around resisting the urge to give him a hug. "r-ratchet how'd you do it I thought that voice boxes were specifically linked to the bots CNA" I asked. Letting him in the circle we had made.

He took a quick glance at bee and a small flicker of disappointment shown in his optics then it vanished. I didn't think much of it maybe it was just the sight of the young bots scars. "I got a message from........ The allspark, it told me to infuse the voice box with bumblebees CNA" I stared at him in shock. "The allspark I didn't even know it had a voice or was alive for that matter" Cascade said in pure shock. "It's complicated" was all ratchets reply. I looked over at bee who had a face of understanding on. "So bumblebee what do you want to do now"

~~~~time skip one month~~~~

Bumblebees pov:

::Aggg frag that one hurt:: I said as I hit the floor hard from jumping out of yet about building to escape cons. I lay there knowing that I had stalled just enough for highfire and rainshot and maybe Cascade to get here to finish the off. I sat up rubbing my helm after I shook it. I got up and looked at the building I had jumped off of. I had jumped though a window it was about 1 and 1/2 storys tall. I spotted highfire pop his helm out of the window I had jumped out of. "bumblebee what the frag this is the 3 time this month" he said scolding me. ::come on it was only a little fall:: I yelled back. "Two stories is not a little fall" he said going back into the window probably finding a safer way down. Great now I'm going to get a wrench to the helm from ratchet.

Cascade landed transforming into his bot mode. "Bumblebee again" he said walking over to me. ::come on highfire already said something besides I can handle myself:: I said annoyed at all the scolding. "Fine But if you do it again ratchet will have all of our helms" he said walking off to see if any cons were left. Rainshot drove up in her motorcycle alt mode transforming again. "you ok bee" she said checking me over. ::I'm fine:: I said and rolled my optics. "Your still got to ratchet you know you jumped out of the second story" she insisted. ::Primus I'm fine I don't need you always worried about me I can handle myself:: I said and walked off leaving rainshot behind me. 'please I can do what I want I might be the youngest in the camp but I've been on more missions than most of them'

Rainshots pov:

I sighed as I watched bee walk off. Maybe we were being a little paranoid about his well-being but it was all in the best intentions. "Hey sweetspark you doing alright" I nodded as highfire walked up behind me. "where's bee" he questioned. I nodded to him as he walked off. "he's not in the best mood right now" I explained. "Let me guess it's about him being reckless" he suggested. "Yep" I replied. "Is it just me or dose he not care if he gets hurt" I added. "Yeah I've noticed it to ....... Rainshot I'm worried maybe I'm being a little paranoid but it's not normal for a bot to be so careless with there life" he said gaining a worried look in his face. "Do you think we should confine him to camp again" I started. Thinking of all possibilities.

"I don't know that might just make him want to leave again" I nodded at the possibility. "We should tell ratchet at least" I said and Cascade landed beside us. "hey Cascade do you think bee is being reckless" highfire said getting his opinion. "A little but I know he's doing it in the auto it's best interest" he said fighting back our opinion. 'but I don't think he should even be out here in..... The war" he said and I nodded. "yes...... He shouldn't be having to worry if he will come back to base every day frag he would be coming home and not our go-bot version of a safe space" I said annoyed that he was having to deal with all of Megatrons scrap. "We'll have to tell Optimus about it"

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