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I never really knew Ryder. Sure, I'd seen him around school during hockey and basketball practice, but we'd never actually talked. He was pretty popular and always hung out with the other popular kids, usually the girls. Those two groups always annoyed me; they seemed to be in a constant cycle of dating and breaking up. It was like clockwork: someone would date, then bam!—broken up in less than three weeks, leading to all this huge drama. At some point, it became tiresome because they would just get back together, and the whole thing would repeat over and over again.

But at least 90% of the time, it was Ryder and Matilda. They were 'that couple'—though I wouldn't really call them a couple since they broke up more than they stayed together. I think that was part of the reason they were so popular: their public fights. Well, probably not Matilda; she played practically every sport and was always clashing with teachers. As terrible as it sounds, it was sometimes hilarious. Don't get me wrong—I felt bad for the teachers—but sometimes life gets boring. For some reason, Ryder would always get dragged into her arguments. You'd hear them yelling in the hallway after she got kicked out of class, and it was hard not to be entertained. 

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