Quick A/N!!

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Hey guys! Here are a few things to note before you read the story!

1. This is posted on quotev also but these will be updated simultaneously, meaning this won't have more chapters and vice-versa

2. English is not my first language for ppl that didn't know, I speak Italian as my first, and then gave up half way through Greek and am still learning Spanish 😓 I've read other books w a/n's like this and I'm gonna say my writing isn't gonna be as good as other authors no matter what, so I apologize in advance for that and any other grammar and/or spelling mistakes. I've been speaking English for four years now so it should be close to perfect

3. I'll have words that may be another language Origen so tell me if u want me to put like the definitions at the bottom as a fun little like dictionary learning thing

4. I do create collages for the main 4 (Percy, Annabeth, Mc, and Grover) as well as other characters as to introduce characters n stuff, if you guys want a specific character please tell me in the comments if you want a characters (ie. Charles Beckendorf)

5. I have a life outside of quotev! Updates will be unannounced and inconsistent. I have siblings, pets, vacations, school, theatre, and in the future I'm hoping to get into TV productions meaning, again, updates for chapters will be unannounced! Some chapters will be long, some short, it can take me a few days or a months to get a chapter out.

6. Please refrain from arguing in the comments! Please be respectful to everyone as I will be monitoring the chat once ppl do start replying lol and I've heard about how authors have stories taken down because of them. So please don't start with anyone 🙏🙏

7. If you see someone stealing my art please tell me, it's only posted on Wattpad and Quotev.

8. This is my book, things will be changed and we may start on serious topics once lore starts for yall

Ok I do believe that's it! Hope you guys enjoy the book, have a great rest of you guys' day!

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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