Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah Zip-A-Dee-Gay

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Will pressed the stethoscope to Nico's heart, which was beating just a little faster than usual. After a few moments, he pulled the instrument down from his ears and away from Nico's chest. If he noticed the blush painting the Italian's cheeks, he didn't mention it.

"Well," he said, making a note on the clipboard he'd been using to record Nico's health for the duration of his stay in the infirmary, "your heart-rate seems to be normal. . ." he put the back of his hand to Nico's forehead, and then his cheek, "You don't seem to have a fever. . ." Nico almost sighed in relief, every other time Will had done this, his face had been so hot from blushing that the son of Apollo had demanded he lay down immediately. "And you said you're not feeling light-headed anymore?"

Nico shook his head, "No, I feel fine."

Will nodded, writing down a few more things. After looking through his papers, he smiled lopsidedly at Nico, "Well, then I guess you're good to go."

Nico's heart sunk a little, and then he jumped as a finger was thrust into his face, going cross-eyed to look at it. He didn't see the brief flicker of amusement in Will's eyes. "But if I find out you're doing anymore Underworld-y stuff--any at all-- I will personally kick your culo."

The corner of Nico's mouth twiched upwards, it appeared that Will had picked up some of his vocabulary. "Yes, sir."

Will laughed, stepping aside so that Nico could hop off the table, "See you later, Death Boy."

"Don't call me Death Boy!" Nico said over his shoulder, trying to sound as menacing as possible, and then he disappeared out the door.

"Remember, Doctor's Orders!" Will yelled after him.

Nico smiled as he exited the infirmary.

* * * * *

A week later, Nico was pacing back and forth in his cabin, and he was extremely frustrated. More then anything, he wanted to go see Will, but he just didn't know how. He'd considered going to ask the fair-haired boy if he needed any help, but there were more than enough Apollo kids to run the infirmary, and Will would probably just say no anyway.

After he discarded that idea, he weighed the consequences of raising some dead. . . That would at least get Will to come give him a check-up. But it would also earn him a lecture, and while Nico loved Will's voice, listening to him reprimand him for an hour had its downfalls. Besides, he didn't want to make him mad. . . and Will would most likely be annoyed that he hadn't listened to him in the first place.

Nico plopped down on his bed with a perpetually grumpy face. I could just go say hi. . . He shook his head, there was no way in the Underworld he was going there without any other reason but to talk to Will. That would just seem weird.

A horn sounded, signaling that dinner was ready, and Nico stood up, sighing as he made his way to the dining hall.

"AAAR-GAH!" He tripped over his own feet and fell face-first towards the ground. Nico barely managed to throw his arms out before he smacked into the dirt, earning him some pretty nasty road-rash on his palms.

He rolled onto his back and sat up, studying the injury, it stung, but it was nothing major. He looked up and his gaze was met with the infirmary standing just behind the cabins. He glanced from his hands back up to the building and then looked around, his heart picking up speed. He knew for a fact that Will was always a little late for dinner, he'd witnessed first-hand that he always dismissed his half brothers and sisters, telling them they could go get food-- 'you deserve it after a good day's work'-- and he'd stay behind to straighten everything up.

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