The unforgettable evening

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On Wednesday, we had the afternoon off from training and instead took a trip to a climbing park. On the way there, I sat on the bus where Mr. Hunter was also sitting. I was indeed the only girl, but we had a lot of fun. After we were back at the hotel, we had free time again.

Since Mr. Blinzer's message about playing volleyball was still on my mind, I decided to go to the sea by myself. I happened to run into a teacher in the hallway and let her know that I wanted to go to the sea alone for an hour. She allowed me to, and so I set off.

With headphones in my ears, I walked along the coast and contemplated the situation. Listening to the music, I sat on the rocks and watched the sunset in the distance. Being alone didn't really improve the situation; it only made it worse. Most of my free time was spent alone listening to music and drawing.

While I was sitting by the sea, I just didn't know what to do anymore, and tears came to my eyes. Everyone else is having fun, and I'm sitting here, breaking apart in my thoughts, and no one knows how bad I'm feeling.

After I had calmed down a bit, I went back to the hotel. I spent the time after dinner on a couch in the hallway, once again with my headphones in. I informed Mr. Blinzer that I would provide him with my final decision by Friday.

Then I made my way to my room and went out onto the balcony. I sat there lost in thought until suddenly everything became too much for me and I broke down in tears. There I sat for what felt like an eternity, unable to calm down. I noticed that I was having a nervous breakdown and was shaking all over.

Suddenly, the balcony door opened, and a roommate asked me for the room card. I wiped away my tears and gave them to her. In that moment, she didn't notice that I was crying and left right away.

My feelings overwhelmed me again, and the situation was unbearable...

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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