MissAvaMae: We're workin' real hard😆 @zedd #posers #veryunproductive
"H, I'm leaving!"
We were in Ottawa now. There was only three shows left and it was really depressing to think about. I have to face reality and soon.
"Where are you going again?"
I sigh and watch him walk over to me from where he was on the hotel bed before. "Studio. My mom got a session set up with Zedd."
"Sick. Well have fun, I love you."
"Love you too," I give him a kiss and grab my bag. "I dunno when I'll be back, so don't bother waiting up for me to come back."
He pouts. "Okay. I'll miss you lots."
I smile and reach up to kiss his cheek. "I'll miss you too, you dork. I'll see you probably tonight."
Little did I know, that I would barely see Harry for three days. I saw him at night and for the shows, but that was pretty much it. Anton (Zedd) and I have been working nonstop and we haven't even gotten a song written.
It's been really hard trying to get a song that works for both of us. He had one in mind when I first went in, but it didn't really fit. The entire first day we spent going though songs and getting to know each other. The good part is that we get along really well. He was really sweet and super fun to hang around with.
"So," I sit down on the floor and look up at him from where he sits in the chair. "What happens if we can't get a song done? Do we call it quits or do you travel with me more until we get it?"
"Hmm," he thinks for a minute. "I'll probably travel with you. I really want to get a song done with you but it just doesn't seem to be clicking quite yet. We'll get there."
"And in the meantime?"
"We play a game. Heads Up, maybe?"
I laugh and stand to get my phone. "Most definitely. I'll act it out first."
"I was going to make you anyway," he laughs and takes my phone from me. He selects Superstars and holds it up to his forehead.
"Oh, uhhh," I glance at the screen and then him. "Wrecking Ball. Hannah Montana."
"Miley Cyrus."
I nod and he moves it to count the point. The next one that pops up is Julie Andrews.
"Mary Poppins. Princess Diar-"
"Julie Andrews."
I nod and he moves on to the next one.
"Oh crap. Uhhhh," how does one sum up Zac Efron? I start to do the boys are back scene from the third high school musical and Anton looks at me like I'm going insane. I start laughing so hard that I have to hold onto his arm for support. "High school musical!"
I take a deep breath. "Vanessa Hudgens?"
I start laughing again and I shake my head. "What part of the boys are back did you not get?"
"Shit. What's his name?!"
It ends and I break out into laughter again. I mumble out Zac's name in between laughs and lean against Anton to keep myself steady.
The door slams shut and I look over to see a very angry Harry holding two boxes of pizza. Why was he angry?
I step back from Anton and walk over to Harry with a smile. "Hey, you."
He sets the pizzas down and glares at Anton. I excuse myself from the room, dragging Harry with me into the hallway. I try and kiss him but he turns so I miss and kiss his cheek. "What's wrong, Harry?"
"I was under the impression you were working."
"We are. We haven't found the right song yet. We were just playing a game."
"Why can't you come back to the bus if you aren't working? Why do you need to be here with him?"
I roll my eyes. "Stop being jealous. Not every single guy is trying to get with me. And I love you and only you, so you have zero reason to be worried."
"You've spent a lot of time with him, Ava. How can you tell me you haven't gotten anything done after you've spent three whole days with him? I've barely seen you at all."
I roll my eyes. "We practically live together Harry, three days apart isn't that bad. Anton and I were taking a break. Stop freaking out over nothing."
"I don't trust him."
"And you don't have to. You need to trust me."
"I do trust you."
I sigh. "Then we should not be having this conversation right now."
"I don't understand why you're here if he doesn't even have a song written."
"We're trying to co-write it. Everything we've done so far just hasn't worked when I got in the booth."
"Then like, take a break or something. Come spend time with the boys and I."
"Harry, honestly." I rub my face with my hands. "I spend every single day with you and the guys. Please let me have some space."
"Fine," he huffs. "Don't bother looking for me whenever you decide actually return to the bus. I won't be there."
He storms down the hall and I hear the door at the front shut. I sigh and go back into the room where Anton was. Harry was freaking out over nothing and I didn't feel like arguing with him anymore.
We eat some of the pizza Harry brought and I text him a thank you for the food. He reads it but doesn't reply.
Anton starts to play with his laptop and he has a looping beat in seconds. He's done this multiple times, and it amazes me every time. I find it so cool that he could do it so quickly.
"Maybe we've been approaching this wrong. We've been trying to find the lyrics all this time. What if we try and make the base first, and then add the lyrics?"
I nod at his suggestion. "That's a good idea. But that's mainly on you, since you're doing that part."
"You can still help me," he smiles. "It might work better that way."
He starts making another loop and I sit and listen to it. After almost an hour of that, we decide that it'll only work to make the beat around the lyrics. Now if only I could think of something.
"Are you okay, Ava? I know it's not really my business, but you've seemed really upset since Harry left."
"Yeah," I sigh. "We just got in an argument. He doesn't trust me and I just want him to know that-"
"Wait wait wait, don't say it, put it in a song."
I smile and lean forward, grabbing my notebook. We got it.
Even if we don't, it's a start.

The Opening Act (H.S) {Completed - Editing}
FanfictionThe story of how Ava Mae joined One Direction for the On the Road Again Tour... and then became so much more than an opening act. disclaimer: wrote this when I was 16, it has some cringe moments. also, at the beginning of the story Ava is a minor b...