We Were Just Kids In Love

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My name is Alana McCain. Im 16 years old and I just moved in to Boston. My dad got this big promotion, he couldn't just say no to it. Im fine with moving out because I have no friends to miss me. Not even one. Well, there's Tom, but he's a stray cat. 

"Honey! are you ready for school?" mom shouted.

"yeah!." I answered, sarcastically.

I ran downstairs and went to the dining room. I sat on the chair and ate breakfast.

I grabbed a toast and shoved it down to my throat. I drank a glass of milk. 

After I ate breakfast, I grabbed my bag and opened the door. I inhaled the air of Boston.

"goodbye mom! dont pick me up, i'll walk home,." I said. I hugged my mom and left for school. Dad probably overslept again. 

I waited for the bus to pick me. I just stood there, waiting. 

10 minutes later, I still waited.

I guess they didnt have school buses to pick students up or maybe I missed it. I sighed and walked.  

Unfortunately,i didnt know where I was headed since I just moved here. Maybe I should just go back and sleep. 

Before I could turn back, someone walked beside me and started a conversation.

"Hey, you new here?" A boy with messy blonde hair and leafgreen eyes said.

"ummmm... yeah." I answered. I know im not supposed to talk to strangers but he doesn't look strange to me.

"What school do you go to?." He asked.

"Fredericksen High. You?" 

"Same." he responded with a smile.

"You wanna walk with me? or do you want to go alone." 

I had no other choice but to walk with him. 

"yeah, sure i'll walk with you. I like it when I walk with someone." Did I just say that? He must really think im into him or something.

After minutes of walking, we finally arrived in front of the school.

"So, i'll see you around?." That was my way of saying goodbye. 

"yeah, see ya later."  

I went to where my locker was. Entered the combination, arranged my things and took the stuff i need for the first period. I heard the bell ring, so I hurriedly did all the necessary things i  had to do. Luckily, they gave me a school map just in case when i get lost.

My first class was Chemistry. 

I hated chemistry. I was born to hate chemistry..

Chemistry, we meet again,

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