Chapter 1: They're gone...

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I yawn, "I'm just going to wash my hands off down in the river". Mum looked down and saw my sticky fingers and nodded and with a quick thanks I rushed through the trees not wanting to miss out on anything. But here's some quick advice running and nighttime don't mix. Instead of naturally being able not to be retarded I tripped and stubbed my toe on a rock. "Ahh sh- I mean shoot owww, shoot". I managed to half hop the next 10-20 metres or so to the river and that also includes stumbling again twice. I dunked my hands in and vigorously rubbed them together to get the marshmallow off them, done cleaning my hands I shook them and wiped my forehead as a "thank the lord that's done" gesture. I finally looked up from the river when I saw a quick flash in the corner of my eyes. That's when I decided I had spent too much time at the river, so much that I had started hallucinating. It was an animal that was the lie I told myself, unaware of the mess I was about to walk into.

By the time I had made it back I realised that they had put the fire out- probably to be funny but it wasn't- I could've gotten lost! "Guys I could've gotten lost, turn on a flashli-". Someone reached out from behind me and pulled me closer and swung us both against a tree in some of the darker shadows of the campsite. The bark rough and scratching my skin, the strangers gloved hand covering my mouth so any noise I made would go unheard.

 "Please trust me, don't make a sound", although it was just a whisper, I could hear desperation seeping through like it was life or death. It was just then I could hear voices from in the clearing of the campsite.

"Was that all of them? And we're sure that's the girl?" Demanded a first voice.

"Yes, boss, do you see any others?" a second voice added almost playful and full of sarcasm.

"I guess you're right, we ought to head back now she will be wondering and waiting for the news on our success." With that the pair of them disappeared into the night. After several more heartbeats the stranger loosened their grip on me. 

"I'm sorry we had to meet this way, I'm Kai, you're going to have to come with me..." I wasn't listening, I tried to go see what the mysterious figures had done with my mum, dad and sis. Kai seemed to pick on that, "hold up, hold up, don't go over there!" With a sudden urgency grabbed me by my wrists and pulled me back towards him, "you don't want to go over there I'm sorry I came too late, we can't help them".

"What do you mean?" He sighed and looked at me with his eyes.

"I'm sorry but there's no easy to say this-." He combed his fingers through his hair.

"They're gone."

They're gone. They're gone. They're gone.

It seemed to echo in my brain, not entirely processing. "Are you ok? You just went extremely pale, and your eyes are watering. Don't worry I'm here if you need a shoulder to cry on." I decided to stay strong, blinking back my tears.

"Nah I'm ok", maybe lying to myself would work. "I'm fine don't worry about it". But thing was I wasn't. "Um" trying to change the subject, "What's going to happen to their bodies?" Uncertainty hung between Kai and I for a moment as he raked his fingers through his hair again. "I'm not entirely sure, but since there's no cover up of evidence and the bodies weren't burnt, I believe it will the humans will rule it as an animal attack. But that also means we must leave them behind." With every beat my heart became heavier. "Wait what do you mean humans, you're speaking about us as though you're not one?" "Because I'm not, well I mean we aren't".

"Huh? But-." Kai cut me off.

"Sorry, I didn't realise you would have this many questions, but we need to hurry up otherwise we're going to miss our ride my instructions were to get back by dawn. C'mon." With that we started walking through the dense forest although I had no idea where he was taking me.

About a kilometre in I questioned Kai where we were going and how much longer it would be his reply was "we'll be there soon have patience, I can see your eyes drooping I can carry you if you want?" Instead of being met with an eye roll, I lost my footing and would've face planted, but Kai caught me just in time. In place of his original offer, I ended up just resting my head on his shoulder.

"Aurora?" I gently opened my expecting my mother to be the one calling my name but instead I woke up in a bustling train station sharing a bench with a handsome stranger. The stranger was undeniably handsome he looked about 17 or 18, with chocolate-coloured hair that fell in soft, parted waves, reaching just to the tips of his ears. His mystical yellow eyes seemed to hold secrets untold, their vibrant hue contrasting strikingly against his fair skin. He wore an elbow-length puff-sleeved white shirt, its crisp fabric hinting at meticulous care. Over it, a fitted black vest emphasized his lean frame, adding a touch of formality and refinement. His ensemble was completed with tailored black pants, perfectly matching the vest, and contributing to his effortlessly sophisticated appearance.

"Aurora?" He asked, "are you awake?"

"Mmm" I replied.

"I think you can stop sleeping on my ripped chest now". My faced burned that got me up I rubbed my eyes and yawned. "Where are we?"

"Floriana station, and you might want to get up sleeping beauty because our train is here." I looked around and saw people rolling into the carriages they had gorgeous gowns and even more beautiful features, this made me reach out flatten my clothes and comb my finger through my hair to find that, A: flowers had been braided into my hair and, B: I was wearing a mini dress with the top half with an excessive amount of blue and white flowers sewn on, the bottom half was baby blue with small pearls on the edge of the hem.

Kai must've noticed my surprise because he mouthed 'I'll explain inside', then turned to face the conductor and handed him a small pouch of what I guessed was probably their- our- currency he inspected us quickly and them with a wave towards the train he said, "Carriage 11".

Once we made it to carriage 11, I was surprised to find no one else inside considering how busy it had been on the platform. To one side of the train car was a strange set up of levers and control switches you'd usually find in the conductor's car and to the other side was nice and sturdy weathered table. The table was heaped with cakes, tea, biscuits and more, the wallpaper was floral and there were wide slightly tinted windows with long billowing curtains. It was like a dream, and it was hard to believe it wasn't especially with Kai there...

"The design is based on what you like if you have a sweet tooth or not, what mood you're in and where you're going". He winked and started pulling levers, "Before you passed out I managed to take you to one of the pop up stores around the station because we couldn't have you walking around Esmera in human clothes." With one quick snap Kai finished pulling the levers and sat at the chair opposite to mine at the table and quickly snatched up the most delicate looking cake, I fingered my hair.

"Oh yeah, I did your hair while you slept, I used to do my sister's hair-"he tore his gaze from mine and watched the passing meadows outside the windows. Realising that his sister was probably a touchy subject I asked "So... Where are we going? His face returned to normal. "We're going to you'll be staying we call it Evergreen beautiful property. By carriage the furthest we can go is too a nearby village and them we'll need to head on foot up Moody Mountain. It was named Moody because of the 'treacherous weather' but actually up at Evergreen we have an invisible weather field. Lots of things to do up there even a beautiful lake. We even have others that you'll probably visit from time to time, all unique and diverse Seagleam, Sun-,"

"Why do I need to stay somewhere hidden?" I questioned cutting him off at the same time. "Because being raised outside the kingdom is treason, and the Queen would have your head." Kai sighed. "I know, I know you don't want to live in fear of being executed but don't worry as we speak my colleagues are creating your identity, paperwork and all the rest for you to live in normality and will apply for you to attend our most prestigious academy. But until them we need you to lie low." That sounded pretty reasonable, but my mind focused on a bigger more different question. Why did Kai and his colleagues come to find me, and further yet if I'm not human why was I living among them for 14 years?

"You look like you just thought of an enormously big question to ask, by the creases on your forehead, but too bad!" Putting on an enormously big smirk. "We have arrived." 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20 ⏰

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