Now we're all floating in Void's forearm

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"-and so that's why I hate Hera! I mean, who sends cows with diarrhoea after a demigod who helped keep you in power?!"

"I see."

I got the feeling he didn't see.

"Who is your favourite god, again?"

"Hermes. Or Apollo. They're both cool. Hestia is my favourite Goddess."


"What about you?"


"What's your opinion in the Olympians? I, personally, think most of them are stuck up bi-"

"No swearing."

"Gods above - or below - you sound like Will. Oh yeah, are my friends gonna show up? No offense, but you're boring as fuck to talk to."

Void blinked in confusion, then shrugged his shadowy shoulders. "Perhaps."

"Perhaps? I want a yes or no answer."

"Well, I can't give you that..."

"I thought primordials are meant to know everything!"

"I never said I didn't. I just said I can't give you the answer you want."



Yes, I probably shouldn't be speaking to the creator of the universe's - potential - brother like that, but who cares? I mean, Zeus managed to hold off smiting me for about 18 years, so the primordial should be able to handle a few days.


Maybe not.

"Anyway. Answer my question."

"Which one?"

"Which- the only one I asked, dumbass!"

His eyes narrowed.

Okay, now I was definitely dead.

To my surprise, he chuckled quietly to himself. The sound wasn't pleasant. It sounded like nails dragging across a chalkboard, modified to sound more human-like.

"Yes, they will show up soon."

"Thank Annabeth."

Void looked at me, bewildered before remembering my earlier explanation. "I will be leaving you now. Try not to go insane."

"Hey! Wait-"

He disappeared, and I sighed.


Do void fish exist?


I leaned forwards and glided through the darkness, noting the way that whatever I was in trickled through the gaps inbetween my fingers, and felt like a thinner version of water.


Then again, I was in a primordial's forearm.

...And again, I am a demigod.

Maybe a dead one, now.

I became aware of a slow thrumming sound and glanced around, seeing, surprise surprise, nothing.

Until white started creeping into my vision, and then everything melted into a blinding light.

I heard a shriek of surprise and blinked rapidly to clear my vision, my eyes greeted by none other than a certain, curly haired son of Hephaestus.

"Bad Boy Supreme!" I exclaimed, happy to see my friend.

"Where- Perce? Hi!"

I glided towards him and grinned stupidly. "We're in the void!"

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