Poem 49 (I don't know you but i hope you'll be okay)

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~I don't know you but i hope you'll be okay
~Petrified i was when i noticed your face
~You looked as if you'd give anything to leave this place
~But as i oversaw you closing your eyes
~Your hand clasped touching your lips
~As if you wished for something out of this realm
~Occasionally as you shaked your head
~Only thing i got to do
~Was to observe more of you
~I don't know your name or anything else
~But it just felt as if i should chat with you
~But i couldn't
~Already i was a statue
~My hands clapping to the rhythm
~While i watch your clasped hands
~Something inside clicked on
~And well shaking were my hands now
~But like you i'd hoped for
~Well no one to notice as well
~But i thought as i watched you
~Maybe someone was watching as well
~Watching over all of us there
~It may've been god but
~I failed to feel it there
~Then came the end
~And line by line we've left
~I don't know where your class is tho
~But it feels like i'm never going to see you again
~The only path i can take now is
~Hoping that you'll eventually be okay

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