Surrounded By Love And Support

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Niyog had been on edge for three long days, each passing moment amplifying the weight of his worries. The anticipation of the tryout match had turned into a storm of self-doubt that brewed in his mind, making him restless and uneasy. What if he faltered during the match? What if the selectors didn’t see the potential he believed he had? The uncertainty of whether he would be chosen gnawed at him, creating a sense of unease that was nearly unbearable. His dreams of playing for the Kerala Kings flickered like a candle in the wind, vulnerable to the harsh reality of competition.

Meanwhile, nestled among the playful chaos of sibling banter was Naomi, his little sister. Usually, she would poke fun at him, trying to get a rise out of her big brother. But this time, she sensed the gravity of the moment and decided to swap her teasing for tenderness. Naomi approached him with an unexpected warmth, her heart filled with genuine concern. 

“Hey, big bro,” she said, offering him a reassuring smile, “you will definitely get a call from the team today.” Her words, simple yet hopeful, felt like a gentle balm on Niyog's anxious spirit, providing a fleeting glimmer of reassurance amidst his turmoil.

Encouraged by Naomi’s support, Niyog's mind drifted to his parents, who had been his steadfast pillars throughout this nerve-racking time. They, too, tried to uplift him with their words of encouragement. 

"Niyog, even if you don’t get selected, just remember they’ll be losing out on a big talent,” his father reminded him, his voice brimming with conviction.

 The faith his family had in him wrapped around him like a warm embrace, grounding him amidst a whirlwind of uncertainty. Their unwavering support provided him the strength he needed to shake off some of his worries.

Feeling a spark of renewed confidence, Niyog turned to his father and asked, “Dad, I’m curious. Deeraj said he would also join the Kerala Kings, but why didn’t he show up for the tryout?”

 Deeraj was not just any player; he was renowned for his talent. Memories flooded Niyog’s mind of Deeraj’s time in Spain, playing for Eizar under the guidance of his father, who coached in the Spanish league. Niyog had always admired Deeraj’s skills—especially his incredible dribbling and passing. Despite their loss in the semi-finals, the aura around Deeraj was hard to ignore.

“Oh, that's because Deeraj has experience playing in Spain,” his father explained. “He gets in the team without tryouts based on his reputation.” The thought of Deeraj's effortless rise sent an endearing wave of humor through Niyog. “So, he's so good that he just skips the process altogether?” he chuckled, lightening the mood with his teasing tone. It was a perfect moment that underscored the friendly rivalry and admiration he had for his talented peer.

As the family shared laughter, they unknowingly helped Niyog pull away from the precipice of anxiety. The weight of expectations didn’t seem quite as heavy with their warm camaraderie surrounding him. Instead of allowing his doubts to consume him, he took solace in the joy of being with his family. The more they talked about the game, the more Niyog felt a sense of calm wash over him—an understanding that he wasn’t alone in this.

With time crawling along, anxiety hung heavily in the air as they awaited the crucial phone call. Niyog could feel the collective anticipation of his family, each of them hoping for the best. The conversation naturally shifted towards strategies for the match, focusing on the positive aspects of playing for a team with such rich history. In that moment, Niyog’s nerves were dotted with excitement as visions of him in the Kerala Kings jersey danced in his mind.

Then, just like that, the phone rang, cutting through the suspense for Niyog. Heart racing, he grabbed it and stared wide-eyed at his parents and Naomi, who were all equally anxious. Taking a deep breath to steady himself, he answered with a hopeful “Hello.” A mixture of hope and dread churned within him as he awaited the news that could change everything.

When the voice on the other end spoke the words he had so desperately yearned to hear, joy erupted in an instant. “Congratulations, Niyog! You’ve been selected for the team!” 

Elation washed over him, transforming the anxiety he'd felt for days into pure, unadulterated happiness. His heart soared as he processed the incredible news; the whirlwind of doubts had evaporated like morning mist in the wake of this monumental moment.

His family erupted in cheers, filling their home with an infectious celebration. Niyog’s laughter melded with their joy, washing away the remnants of worry that had shadowed him for those nerve-wracking days. In the warmth of their love and support, he realized that regardless of what lay ahead on the field, he would always have his family cheering him on. 

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