Starting up...
Loading A.R. OS v.3.8.9
Initializing AI Core mainframe
Running "System_64/Files/User/Main/AI/programs/LolBit_Debug.exe"
Debugging endoskeleton control surfaces.
Please Stand By!
ERR-multiple hydraulic fuses blown
Fuses B17 - E59 blown or damaged
Fuses G5 - H21 missing
Warning ⚠️ main hydraulic regulator system compromised. Switching to secondary hydraulic system. Reduced pneumatic pressure and response times detected.
Reported damage to Afton Robotics. Unable to connect to System Server. Booting up system in emergency FailSafe Mode.
System AI Interface Initiation in 3.. 2.. 1..
Old school and new age robotics
FanfictionI read a story where a Funtime foxy alternate was found and brought to the pizza plex. My version with my character who I don't know whether to call LolBit or Glitch.