Part 4:Journey to the River Divide

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"Ah..." The hooded figure smirked as Jock stirred. "You're finally awake."

Jock struggled against the ropes that bound him.

"Don't bother," The hooded figure warned him. "For one, it's polyester, and two, I've tied it with a figure eight knot. You won't be getting out of here so easily, so why don't you just tell me everything you know about what your friends are after and where they ran off to?!"

"I-I don't know anything!" Jock explained quickly. "They didn't tell me anything!"

"So much for being friends," The hooded figure scoffed.

"What do you mean?" Jock pressed. "Indy and I go way back."

"Are you sure about that?" The hooded figure pressed. "Or has he always just been using you to get from point a to point b?"

Jock was silent for a moment, his expression wavering.

"I don't know anything," Jock insisted, believing that remark was simply a ploy to get him to confess. "And even if I did, you wouldn't get it out of me that easily."

"I see..." The hooded figure began, deep in thought.

Turning to the henchmen, the hooded figure added; "Go see if you can find anyone else who knows about this little expedition, and bring them to me!"

The other figures nodded and swiftly left the room.

"We'll get the information we want one way or another, Jock," The hooded figure assured him. "Weather it comes from you, or someone else."

"For the last time, I don't know anything!" Jock shouted after the hooded figure as they left the room.

"We'll just have to see about that, now won't we?" The hooded figure smirked.


I yawned and stretched, sitting up to see the beginnings of the sunrise and nothing but ocean surrounding the boat. We were still only about halfway there. Man, these kinds of things seemed to go by so much faster in the movies. Maybe it was because all we saw was a bit of a montage while a red dotted line traveled across a large-scale map, and the theme song played. Living through this was ten times worse.

"Sorry, there's no way I can make this thing go faster," The captain apologized. "We should be there by tomorrow morning."

Tomorrow morning?! I thought to myself, suppressing a groan for the captain's sake. It was really nice of him to help us like this, and I didn't want him to feel like he wasn't appreciated. This ship was tiny, and there wasn't really anywhere to go. Thank goodness there was some sort of countermeasure installed to balance this thing out as the waves hit it, making the rocking back and forth of the ship minimal, otherwise I wouldn't be able to eat anything either. I headed below deck to grab some rations and heat them up, grabbing a small bit of plain water, too, but only because I didn't want to drink absolutely nothing. I heard drinking nothing with your meal was not the best thing to do. Man, I wish I'd brought my flavored water mix.

Once the rations were finished heating, I took them back to the top deck and sat on the bench by the stern of the ship. Indy was beside me, still asleep. I guess despite the fact that he was a school teacher, he wasn't really a morning person. The thought amazed me that someone could seem so serious in one environment, yet behind it all they're really just tired and want to get as much sleep as possible. I ate my food in silence and watched the sun continue to rise, not wanting to be rude and disturb Indy.

Once I was done eating, I leaned over the edge and looked into the water, seeing if I could spot any dolphins, or sharks, or killer whales down there.

"Be careful," The captain warned me idly.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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