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Same username  BTW 


you wince, every step sending sharp jolts of pain through your leg as you stumbled toward the elevator. Behind you, Astro and Cosmo are gaining the advantage,still hot on your heels. With a shaky hand, you bite into your last chocolate bar, silently hoping for just enough of a sugar rush to keep you moving. The clock was ticking down, and at the last possible second, you throw yourself into the elevator, collapsing to the floor, gasping for breath.

A soft click echoed through the small space, followed by the familiar mechanical whir of a door sliding open. Dandy's shop rose up once more from the shaft, like clockwork.

"Why don't you spare this poor flower some tapes? Toss over a few, and I'll get you something real nice!" Dandy chimed, gesturing to his odd assortment of items. Your eyes flicked to the stopwatches lined up on the counter, then back to Dandy, frustration plain on your face.

"Stopwatches? Again? Where do you even find this garbage, a dumpster?" You spat, though you knew Dandy didn't care—it was never his problem.

"Garbage?!" Dandy spluttered, indignant. "No, no, you just don't see their true value!"

you rolled your eyes. "True value? How exactly are stopwatches supposed to help when I'm bleeding out? What's next, they magically heal injuries? A bandage or medkit would make more sense, but I guess that's too much to ask from whatever you call a brain."

your voice is voice edged with frustration as you leaned back against the wall, glaring at the unhelpful trinkets. "Give me something useful, and then maybe I'll consider buying."

Dandy sighed, shoulders slumping as he muttered to himself, "No one ever wants my stuff..."

"Look," he said, more sharply now, "even if I brought higher-quality items, it's not like you could afford them. Your tape belt's practically empty! You should be glad I'm even offering you anything at all. If I brought out the good stuff, it'd be a waste of effort, wouldn't it?"

"Shut it," you snapped, launching into a tirade of the worst insults you could conjure up.

Dandy raised an eyebrow, unfazed. "Wow, that's a new one." He smirked. "And here I thought you'd run out of ideas. Maybe if you put this much effort into finding tapes, we wouldn't even be having this conversation, now would we?"

That was the final straw for you. Without hesitation, you lunged at Dandy, seizing his arm with a vice-like grip. Dandy recoiled in shock, a gasp escaping his lips, but you didn't give him a moment to react. Grabbing Dandy's other arm, you hoisted him up effortlessly, then pulled back and hurled him across the elevator with all the force you could muster.

Dandy hit the wall with a shriek, pain and confusion etched on his face. Before he could even comprehend what was happening, you were already on him, tackling him to the ground with brutal force.

"You asked for this," you muttered, a grim smile spreading across your face as you raised your fist. The first punch landed hard, eliciting a sharp yelp from Dandy. Without pause, you unleashed a flurry of punches, each one more vicious than the last. The sound of flesh meeting flesh filled the air as Dandy's cries turned to sobs. Blood poured from his nose, mixing with the tears streaming down his face.

You didn't care. Your knuckles were split open, but you kept going, relentless.punches fueled by rage. Dandy's terrified face told the story—his wide eyes, full of panic, his body twisting and flailing, desperately trying to escape the assault.

"Get off me!" Dandy screamed, his voice hoarse and full of fear as he kicked and struggled, blood-soaked tears mingling with the pain on his face.

But you were far from finished.

"Let's try something a little more fun," You sneered, your grip tightening around Dandy's orange petal as you prepared to rip it off. Realizing your intent, Dandy surged with energy, struggling violently, forcing you to strain to keep hold. Shifting your position, you slam your foot into Dandy's stomach, eliciting a hollow gasp as blood began to trickle from Dandy's mouth. The blow quelled most of Dandy's resistance, giving you the opportunity to tear the petal free.

A shrill shriek echoed through the elevator as Dandy's reddened eyes overflowed with tears. To him, the petals were like hair, and only a few drops of blood dripped from the top of his head. He whimpered, and you laughed maniacally, losing yourself in a frenzy of violence. Without hesitation, you grabbed another petal and ripped it off, sending Dandy's body jolting in agony.

"Please, I'll give you anything! Just stop! Please!" Dandy shrieked, his body convulsing in despair.

"Shut it!" You shot back, lost in the euphoria of the moment. You stomp on Dandy's stomach again, forcing him to vomit more blood. You seized yet another petal, tearing it away with brutal ease. By this point, Dandy was left silently sobbing, drained of energy to fight back. He closed his eyes, accepting his fate as you ripped off the last of his petals.

"Hah..." you panted, staring down at Dandy's motionless form. As Dandy slowly reopened his eyes, he looked back at you, causing you to chuckle at the sight before you. Dandy's eyes were half-lidded, tears and snot dripping from his eyes and nose respectively. Dandy touched his now bare head, sobbing quietly.

"Aw, is the big bad flower crying? Haha!" You taunted, relishing in Dandy's misery. Dandy let out a dry sob, covering his face in shame as he wept from the mockery.

"S-shut up..." was all Dandy could manage, his voice barely a whisper.He layed helplessly in a puddle of his own blood and tears, utterly defeated and stripped of any dignity.

A lesson for Dandy. [Dandy's world]Where stories live. Discover now