Chapter 1: First encounter, heart-throb

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Every encounter is destined.
And the happiest thing in my life was meeting you in my youthful years.

The summer of 2005 seemed to pass especially quickly.
The new school term arrived as expected.
August 31st, the day for freshmen registration.
At 2 p.m., the grand hall of Yixing City High School quieted down, and the registration process was nearing its end.

Wu Jiang came to the school alone.
Having never left home before, he was reluctant to attend school so far from home. He had delayed his departure until the afternoon and stubbornly refused his father's offer to drive him to school.

Upon arrival, his handsome face was still sullen, brows furrowed in discontent, and he appeared despondent.
At 16 years old, a boy should look vibrant and handsome, not cool and aloof like this.
Those unaware might think he was deliberately trying to appear cool.

But what's wrong with trying to look cool?
Isn't that part of the rebellious phase every teen goes through?
Nonsense, he's just in a bad mood.

Wu Jiang found his name on the freshman list: Class 2, Student Number 25.
Student numbers usually correlate with exam results, so this low rank left him feeling slightly shocked and dejected, further dampening his spirits.

At the registration desk, a bespectacled boy who appeared somewhat mature—perhaps a senior or even a teacher—handled the paperwork. Next to him sat a young woman of refined demeanor, clearly a teacher.

The registration was completed in silence. Wu Jiang maintained his cold demeanor and left the hall.

Behind him, a pleasant female voice chimed in, "What a cool and handsome young man. Teacher Yu, the boys in your Class 2 are quite good-looking."
Then a male voice responded, "The girls in your Class 1 are pretty too."

Their casual chat echoed through the large space, and Wu Jiang heard it clearly.
So, they weren't seniors after all—they were teachers!
These two are teachers? With such youthful, playful banter?

Wu Jiang shook his head in disbelief. Shouldn't teachers be focused on students' performance, not their looks?

When Wu Jiang reached his dorm room, 304, there was only one other boy there, though luggage was strewn across the other beds, indicating the others had already arrived.
The boy came over to greet him, but Wu Jiang just nodded slightly, then quietly started unpacking his things.

By the time he had slowly settled in, the other boys returned, chatting animatedly as if they already knew one another.
Noticing Wu Jiang's cold demeanor, no one approached him for conversation.
Wu Jiang, feeling down, simply stood by his bed and listened, not really hearing anything.

Suddenly, a loud voice echoed from the doorway: "Is everyone from 304 here?"
Before anyone could answer, a tall figure burst into the room, backlit by the sunlight, making it hard to see his face.
"The teacher said to gather in the classroom at 3 p.m. Class 2 is in the second room on the third floor of Building 3."

The barrage of numbers sounded like a math equation.
Everyone seemed

"You must be the new teacher?" Wu Jiang's curiosity piqued as the figure stepped closer, revealing a handsome face.

"Oh, you're a classmate." The boy's face showed a hint of embarrassment.
"I'm Dong Xiao

Wu Jiang briefly glanced at Dong Xiao, noting his higher student number. He gave a polite nod but didn't manage to smile.

After Dong Xiao left, the boy on Bed 8 suddenly remarked, "I also thought you were a teacher—such a youthful, handsome one at that."
That comment

Wu Jiang lay on his bed, his frustration released, yet feeling embarrassed by his outburst. The silence lingered until someone suggested introductions, an idea Wu Jiang had already warmed to, eager to smooth over the awkwardness.

"Hi everyone, I'm Wu Jiang," he introduced himself last, making an effort to sound friendly.
His voice, deep and magnetic, resonated well.
He added humorously, "It's the Wu from Wu Sangui and the Jiang from 'everlasting,' because I guess Wu Sangui is the most famous Wu in history."

The self-deprecating humor eased the tension, and laughter broke out in the room.

The eight boys soon bonded, laughing all the way to their classroom.
Wu Jiang's mood improved unexpectedly, and he began to think that maybe, just maybe, this new school wasn't so bad after all.

Class 2's 50 students had all arrived, only eight of them girls. Wu Jiang quickly realized that the young man who had helped with registration was indeed their homeroom teacher, not an upperclassman as he had assumed.

Teacher Yu, who had seemed mature, now appeared slightly boyish under closer inspection.
Despite his nervous, stuttering instructions, th

Naturally, his eyes drifted to the girls standing in the front

Among the eight young girls, none particularly stood out to him at first glance.
But why am I acting

Suddenly, Dong Xiao appeared again, directing the boys to form neat rows.

Just as his brows finally relaxed, Dong Xiao's voice interrupted his thoughts, teasing in a low voice, "What are you grinning about? Spotted a pretty girl?"
Dong Xiao then casually

Wu Jiang and the tall boy, Wang Dawei, became desk-mates, seated in the back row. To Wu Jiang's left, across the aisle, sat Dong Xiao.

The opening ceremony soon began on the vast sports field, where the school's beauty and autumn scenery overwhelmed Wu Jiang's senses. Golden ginkgo trees lined the paths, their leaves shimmering in the sun.

As the ceremony progressed, Wu Jiang's eyes drifted over to Class 1.
Among them stood a tall girl in a red dress. His heart raced uncontrollably.
She was beautiful—truly beautiful.

For Wu Jiang, this was the moment when his world changed.

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