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I would like to let you guys know that this is merely information. So this part isn't supposed to be long. I do, however, encourage and require you guys to read it.

So, about this story. This is an omegaverse Sabigiyuu fic. Sabito is an alpha, while Giyuu is an omega.

I would like to clarify that this story was also posted on ao3. It was posted under the name Cherry_Blossom(Lian_Huahua), which is a pseudo under my original ao3, which is Lian_Huahua. So if you see it on ao3 under the name Cherry_Blossom(Lian_Huahua), that is why. If you see it under ANY other name or where somebody copy and paste my exact story please let me know.

I explained this on my ao3 already, but I have yet to explain it here. So the bond that Giyuu and Sabito creates in the official first chapter isn't a formal or physical bond. It's more of an unspoken bond.

Sabito and Giyuu both have that emotional trust and an unacknowledge attraction towards each other. They're waiting for the right moment where they're both ready to accept and acknowledge the connection between them. Although Giyuu, unlike Sabito, hasn't exactly fully recognized or accepted the deeper nature of their bond.

So yes, while Sabito and Giyuu aren't currently formally bonded, they do and will, however, bond formally in the future. Please remember that this explanation here is for the FIRST chapter only. I know people were gonna be confused, so I decided to explain it. And so that's why this page is here.

Originally, I was gonna have this story posted on my ao3 only, but I decided to add the story here. Because I'm nice, and I didn't wanna deprive non ao3 users of this fic.

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