Volume 0 Chapter 8: Vol. 7 Epilogue/ANHS #8/Karuizawa SS #1

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I've never wrote a fight scene before so if it's bad don't blame me 😭. Thanks...

Tokyo, Japan
Thursday, December 26th, 2019


??? [Kuku. I knew you'd come, Karuizawa]

Me {He turned off his phone and put it in his pocket. Ryuuen-kun had called me here, all the way to the rooftop}

Me [...the mail you sent this morning. What do you mean by that?]

Ryuuen [Surely there's no reason to ask. After all you did come here, right?]

Me {The mail he sent me. If I remember correctly it said, "I know about your past. Come alone to the school rooftop. If you tell anyone about this then I'll leak your past to the whole school"}

Ryuuen [I assume you kept quiet about this. After all you wouldn't want your past to be leaked. But to think you'd actually come alone]

Me [You told me to come alone didn't you?]

Ryuuen [Kuku. I suppose I did]

Me [Look, I don't know what this is all about...but it's cold so I want to wrap this up quickly]

Me {I rubbed my hands together}

Ryuuen [Then why did you come here? You could've just ignored me]

Me [That's——because I don't want unnecessary rumors to go around]

Ryuuen [Unnecessary rumors? Everyone here knows about it though. How you were bullied in middle school]

Me [...]

Me [...What are you after? Are you saying you have something to gain from threatening me]

Ryuuen [Just killing time of course]

Me [If you do anything to me...I'll report you to the school]

Ryuuen [The fact that you're here means you're not going to do anything]

Me [..]

Ryuuen [Let's stop beating around the bush. You want to be freed right? Just tell me who's hiding behind you. If you do that, then I'll keep quiet about your past]

Me [I don't know what you mean]

Ryuuen [X]

Me [How much times are you going to bring up "X"? Why don't you guys start dating?]

Ryuuen [Okay. If you're going to feign ignorance that's fine.]

Ryuuen [Albert go fill up two buckets of water]

Albert [Hm]

Me {Water? Why would he need that?]

Ryuuen [Also, Ibuki hold down Karuizawa]

Ibuki [Why me? And what if Nagi-kun finds out?]

Ryuuen [Your boyfriend isn't here is he?]

Ibuki [He's not my boyfriend! And I'm not doing it]

Ryuuen [Fine. Ishizaki hold her]

Ishizaki [Okay]

Me [I'll seriously report you if you so much as lay a finger on me]

Ryuuen [Kukuku. You're quite the fierce one. Do you really think X will protect you this time around?]

Me {Albert-kun who was getting the buckets of water finally came back}

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