Chapter 91 - Giving Birth

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At this point, not only was the Emperor worried, but the Empress also became uneasy. After all, no matter what, He Liangdi was pregnant with multiple children. How could they not be concerned?

"Defu, send someone to check what's going on," Zhao Jinrui furrowed his brows, his earlier joy fading a little.

The Empress, seeing the Emperor giving orders, immediately called her senior palace maid to go to Lan Yue Pavilion and see what was happening. Being the Emperor and Empress, their every little movement was noticed by those who were paying close attention.

Now, the person who was likely the most worried was none other than Bai Jingxian's father. The feast had already started, yet neither his wife nor his daughter, He Liangdi, had appeared, which clearly indicated that something had happened. However, as an official from outside the palace, he couldn't enter the inner court. Furthermore, his influence within the palace had been wiped clean after the death of his eldest daughter, so he didn't even have anyone to inquire with. Helplessly, he could only sit in the corner, anxiously waiting.

By rights, with Bai Jingxian's father's rank, he wouldn't normally have been invited to the palace for the New Year's feast, but because of his fortunate daughter, he had been given special permission to attend. Still, right now, he was deeply unsettled and uneasy.

At Lan Yue Pavilion, after sending someone to fetch the imperial physician, they immediately called for midwives and wet nurses. These women should have already been stationed at Lan Yue Pavilion, but since He Liangdi's due date wasn't imminent, they had been waiting at the Imperial Household Department. After all, the midwives had been given the Poison Pill, and Bai Jingxian was not worried about them causing trouble. But who could have expected that she would go into premature labor on New Year's Eve and start bleeding?

At this time, she was only in her seventh month, with half a month still to go before reaching her eighth. Giving birth now was truly a matter of life and death.

"He Liangdi has gone into premature labor. We need to administer labor-inducing medicine immediately. He Liangdi should get up and eat something, or else she won't have the strength to give birth," the imperial physician urged as soon as he finished taking her pulse. He quickly scribbled down a prescription and handed it to his apprentice, who went off to get the medicine.

The Imperial Medical Bureau was entirely loyal to the Emperor, so there was no chance of them being bribed. At this moment, Bai Jingxian's attendants didn't have enough staff to monitor the preparation of the medicine.

Wang Momo stayed by Bai Jingxian's side, half-supporting her to help her move around since she was stronger.

Fortunately, just after the physician's examination, the midwives arrived. They helped Bai Jingxian onto the bed for a check-up and discovered that while labor was still a little ways off, her water had already broken, so they needed to act quickly.

The midwife informed He Liangdi, "Liangdi, your water has broken. We must increase the dosage of the labor-inducing medicine, or else the princes will face complications in the womb." The midwife, being loyal to the Emperor, wouldn't lie, and besides, there was a hidden curse involved.

"I will do as you say. I'll get up to eat something and walk around a bit," Bai Jingxian said, knowing that childbirth didn't happen immediately. Even though she hadn't given birth before, she understood that maintaining her strength was key to ensuring both she and the babies survived. She still wanted to live, so she needed to comply.

"Yes, I'll discuss it with the imperial physician," the midwife replied, and they continued the orderly preparations for the birth.

Meanwhile, the attendants sent by the Emperor and Empress arrived at Lan Yue Pavilion. Seeing the chaos in the main hall, they hurried to the west wing, where they encountered Xiao Li directing the servants. The two messengers immediately asked him what was happening and were shocked to learn that He Liangdi had gone into labor. Without saying another word, they turned and rushed back to Baohe Hall.

Xiao Li suddenly slapped his forehead. He had completely forgotten to inform the Emperor and Empress about such a major event! With no time to worry about anything else, he focused on overseeing the servants.

Back at Baohe Hall, the two messengers, practically stumbling in their haste, returned with the urgent news. Too anxious to approach the main hall, they called someone they trusted to relay the message that He Liangdi was in labor at Lan Yue Pavilion.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Jinrui and the Empress exchanged a glance. Zhao Jinrui, seemingly unhurried, asked the Empress, "She's only a little over seven months along, right?"

The Empress, shaken and feeling a tightening in her abdomen, took a moment to calm down before responding, "Yes, Your Majesty, she's about a month and a little more behind me."

Seeing the Empress's distress, Zhao Jinrui gently patted her hand. "Don't worry, it's fine. Babies born in the seventh month have a good chance of survival, unlike those born in the eighth month. This occasion is too important to leave, so let's wait a little longer."

For the moment, he couldn't leave the banquet, which had just started.

"I'll send Zhang Momo to oversee things. I won't let anything happen to He Liangdi," the Empress offered, relieved that the Emperor hadn't turned against her or left her to be mocked by others.

"Good idea. I'll also send Defu to keep an eye on things," the Emperor nodded in agreement.

Soon after, Zhang Momo quietly left the Empress's side, and Defu also disappeared from the Emperor's service. Those who had been watching the Emperor and Empress closely began to grow curious and immediately sent their attendants to investigate.

Meanwhile, the ministers were still marveling at the sight of all the pregnant consorts, showering their families with compliments.

After a few rounds of drinks and several courses of food, the Emperor stood up. "My beloved ministers, my He Liangdi is in labor. On this day of reunion, my child is eager to meet me. I won't keep you all long—please continue enjoying yourselves."

With that, Zhao Jinrui downed his cup of wine, and the hall erupted in surprise. *He Liangdi? Who is that?* Only those who knew the inside story were aware that she was the second daughter of the Bai family, the one they had vehemently opposed entering the palace.

Despite their surprise, no one dared dampen the Emperor's joy, and they all raised their voices in congratulations.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, on the birth of a royal child!"

Zhao Jinrui laughed heartily. "Good!"

The Emperor and Empress then left, followed shortly by the consorts, who exchanged glances with their families before leaving the hall one by one.

With the Emperor gone, the ministers became more relaxed, speaking louder and more freely.

"Truly fortunate! Congratulations, Lord Bai," someone sitting near Bai Jingxian's father congratulated him.

Bai Jingxian's father, having not yet pieced everything together, assumed that his wife was attending the birth and that this was perfectly normal, as it was her own daughter. At this moment, he was genuinely elated. "Thank you, thank you!"

Some who disliked Lord Bai turned away with a humph, their faces sour.

Others, those who had previously opposed Bai Jingxian, wore expressions of unease, their eyes holding complicated emotions.

Finally, Minister Wen spoke up first. "If I recall correctly, isn't this the same person we all opposed executing back then?" His voice wasn't loud, but those nearby, with their sharp ears, heard him clearly.

"Indeed, Minister Wen. What are we to do now? If she truly rises, won't she seek revenge against us?" another minister responded, his face full of worry.

As civil officials, they often criticized and impeached others. Back when they'd been sure Bai Jingxian's fate was sealed, they hadn't worried, but now, not only had she survived, but she was about to give birth to royal offspring. What if...

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