breaking point (siobhan.)

44 4 31

tw: mild abuse, minor sexual assault.


sweat trickled down her temples as her arms worked, thoroughly scrubbing the the bathroom tiles. the exhaustion had set deep in her bones long ago and her palms blistered but she couldn't stop. siobhan needed to prove herself worthy. worthy of love, care and tentativeness. she needed to please him - roger that is. the roaring fire of passion and personality she once had inside of her had been extinguished to a weak flicker since meeting him, he snuffed her out. within that weak flicker was hope. she hoped that just maybe if she worked to his expectation he would change. she hoped that just maybe if she presented herself to his liking he would douse her in compliments rather than critique and insult.

realistically, siobhan knew that nothing could change a man like, unfortunately, her fiancé. men like him are narcissistic, deluded, greedy. all things vile. however she knew she was in it for the long run. as soon as he shoved that damned emerald ring onto her finger, shackles and chains wrapped themselves around her body and locked.

a deafening bang resonated throughout the house. it was the front door slamming and sealing shut, announcing roger's arrival. siobhan apprehensively peeled the rubber gloves from her pruny hands and threw them into the sink. her entire body screamed for her to not go downstairs but as much as it pained her, she knew she had no choice.

the marble double staircase clicked beneath her feet and her calloused fingertips dragged down the railing. every surface felt cold. a man's voice sliced through the air, making her pick up her pace.

"siobhan, get here now." roger observed her descending the stairs from the foyer, he studied her clothes, a silky black dress. her hair, straightened with curled ends. her body language, everything. he expected her to look prim and proper at all times. after all, he spoils her for a reason right?

her gaze was steadily set on the floor as his shoes came into view. there were a few skilful moments of silence from roger. he craved for siobhan to feel scared; he wanted the anxiety of anticipation to run through her blood.

his attempts were proven futile when her head craned upwards to meet his eyes with a face of thunder. she refused to accept that she was afraid of him. within her weak, flickering flame was her dignity. she may not fight or argue back at him but inside she swore not to break, regardless of the war inside her head. she hated every waking moment around that man. since siobhan was young she promised herself to never submit to a man. she had been a striving feminist from a small age, although she felt like a failure now caught in roger's web. she also felt insane, as if she constantly whispered to herself false nothings. 'to be woman.' she told herself.

he began to move. siobhan was momentarily confused as he circled around her but that confusion shifted to discomfort. he embodied a lion circling its prey, preparing to pounce at any given moment.

"have you got dinner ready, woman?"

"i will put it on now. i have been cleaning as you wished." the reply was laced with sarcasm and dismay. she simply pushed past him, breaking out of his circle and walking to the kitchen.

"watch it siobhan. i have given you everything and i can take it away from you. you should be more grateful for me, you know? and this house looks a wreck." his tone was menacing. he didn't bother following her and instead dragged himself to the living room, falling onto the leather sofa.

his words went in one of her ears and out the other. she didn't have any care for what he had to say; she learned that roger's threats were only half empty. she made herself busy with cooking. she opted on a steak, extra rare as roger liked. raw meat and blood made her feel sick to the core. she preferred hers well done.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28 ⏰

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