🦅Jay - Grief🕊

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This was requested by emmaahahahah
Thank you so muchhhh for requesting ♡♡♡ I hope you enjoy ☆

This one might be a little sad..


Jay sat on the edge of his bed, staring blankly at the wall, feeling more depressed than he has ever been.

The posters of enhypen that once inspired him now seemed like faded memories of a happier time.

It had been a week since his grandmother had passed away, and each day felt heavier than the last.

The warmth of her presence had once filled their home, but now, a chilling silence enveloped him.

She had always been his rock, the one who supported his dreams with unwavering belief.

Her laughter echoed in his mind, a soothing balm that felt all too distant now. The pain of losing her was like a shadow, dark and suffocating, following him everywhere.

He couldn’t shake it off, no matter how hard he tried.

He missed her so much.

Days blurred into one another. Jay barely ate or slept, lost in a haze of sorrow. He couldn't even feel anything at this point.

He had lost his appetite and it had seemed as if he had developed insomnia some how.

He felt like he was drifting through life, an observer rather than a participant.

The world outside his window moved on, but he remained trapped inside his dark room, surrounded by memories that cut deeper than any blade.

His members and even his relatives who had called to check up on him were concerned, but he couldn’t bring himself to face them.

Each knock at the door felt like an intrusion into his grief.

“Jay, can we come in?” Sunghoon’s voice broke through the silence one gloomy afternoon.

He remained still, the weight of their concern pressing down on him. “I’m fine,” he lied, his voice barely above a whisper.

“Please, we’re worried about you,” Heeseung replied gently. “We miss you.”

Those words struck a chord, but he didn’t know how to respond. How could he explain the heaviness in his chest? How could he convey that every laugh and smile felt like a betrayal to his grandmother’s memory?

The truth was, he didn’t want to face the world. He didn't want to face anyone.

Just the thought alone of putting on a brave face and pretending everything was okay was impossible.

He just wanted to curl up in the cocoon of his grief, shielded from the pain of reality.

But as the hours turned into days, he realized he was slowly suffocating in that cocoon.

He picked up his phone, scrolling through the messages from his friends, their words filled with concern and love.

“We’re here for you, Jay. Whenever you’re ready,” Sunoo had texted. But how could he be ready? How could he return to the person he used to be when the one person who believed in him was gone?

As night fell, shadows stretched across his room. The weight of grief became almost tangible, suffocating him.

He was glad the company had given them such a long hatius, otherwise he didn't know how we would have survived.

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