Mocking Reality

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Sometimes , it amazes as well as scares me at the same time that how many personalities of a human exists.

Varies from person to person . Even though each and every one of it is real but still be considered as fake . Mirroring a version of them . Bits by bits if every person would gather on your end , may make sense when they talk about who you were , every personality of yours will be exposed , when they all will be joining puzzle pieces of you .

For some , you are depressed. For some you are the jolliest . For some you are the strongest . For some you are the weakest . Some see you as clumsy immature person and for some you are the wise old person fully matured . Some see you as love. Some see you as hate . Some see you as life. Some see you as death . Some see you as psycho and some see you as sane . For some you are the best motivational speaker and for some you are demotivated yourself . For some you are the most fun to hang out with and for some you are a boring person . Some are attracted to you and some thinks you are a freak . To some you are the most talented and other thinks you are a loser . Some see you as a cool minded person and some see you a person raging with fire .

We are not fake but sometimes we sure fake a smile not to fool the world but ourselves. Your eyes filled with tears and still you smiling in the mirror to show yourself how happy you are . You told your mind you don't feel any pain and when you forgot the meaning of pain , one day it reached its extreme you said yourself that see I'm not crazy I do feel pain . When you cant even kill an insect and say that I can kill a whole being, even if you cant kill them by words. Something all which is hidden, the world see it as fake . When you are the person who knows how you were in those four walls and those dreams ; still you are fake . You know the demons inside you and have locked them inside a cage ; just the permission and you'll cower on the ground again , covering both of your ears in an empty room saying'' stop it! '', even though there's no voice. The voices in your head overcoming your senses . In an empty room you feel like a hundred eyes are looking at you . In loneliness , you can see a dark figure who came to accompany you . You were a pleaser , afraid to leave and now those all things you have done for them are hammered into your own head . When you hate to cry , to show others your tears but still that much broken that you smilingly burst into tears Infront of everyone who just ever had seen you smiling and joking . When you would be present at peaks and imagine what will happen if you'll fall from here . Your bloodshot eyes ; you said allergies . Your bad health , you said unhealthy food, even though you were not consuming any for months .

You know how it feels , that's why you understand what people are going through , their feelings and how to console, just because you have went through everything and not a single one is left . That extreme that you know how animals, birds , insects , plants and even objects like a chair feel . When you know you can tear up for them because you know how it feels . Even though you never experienced anything as them you still know because things may have not been similar but they were related or maybe God made you like that . But sometimes it's hard to live with a heart like that, when you can understand but no else can understand yours.

It's hard to be a writer when none knows the meaning of those words you wrote with blood or honey . Even real selves are complicated , how come not such a world be . Sometimes you are glad it happened because now you can proudly say you've saved lives. Strange how you are such old but still you fall to ground crying like an infant saying to God I'm just a child. You have never cried for materials , not ever wished for anything but you have been asking for a thing which do not even exist and even if you become the giver , one day they just say stop it because its suffocating me .

You are just a human but still afraid to speak because you know it doesn't matter or will never matter any way . Second choice or just a secret they hide , you are not that. You deserve better . Someone who'll hold all those pieces of your puzzle and will actually know how to sort them all with patience and love. You are just messed up puzzle pieces because the world no longer holds interest in solving puzzles . Old souls vanished ages ago now rise from grave and wish to scream only if they had their voice and the strength to stand. We are humans but now we need assurance of that because of how we are being treated . But the sad reality is that we are being treated like that, by one another.

                                                                                                                                                                   Rabes Lonelight 

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