For The First Time...

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                   Harry and I have been dating for about 7 months and we finally decided to move in together. Harry is in a band called One Direction and is world famous and his fans are just starting to get used to me but they didn't like me at first. I don't love him for his fame or his looks; I love him for his personality. He's so funny and cheeky and nice. Him being hot and having a really good singing voice is just a plus. The two of us met at a night club in London and hit it off instantly. We finally fell in love and haven't had many problems and our families love eachother! 


              "Harry, I'm sorry!" I scream as loud as I can. Harry just looks back down as he continues to shove pieces of clothing into a black suitcase. "Maybe you should have thought of that when you were out kissing some random guy in some club!" He shouts back with a deep and unsteady voice. Tears begin to refill my eyes partly because I knew Harry was going to leave me and because I knew he was right. "I'm sorry Harry I was drunk! It was a mistake! I love you!" He goes back over to the closet and rips several more pieces of clothing off the hanger and shoves them in the suitcase. "Harry," I say with a quite voice. For some reason, this makes him look at me. The dissapointment, hurt. sadness, and anger in his eyes makes me want to bash my head into a wall. It drives me crazy because I know I've caused it all. I know he's on the verge of crying and his face is all red. I sit down in a chair by our bed and bury my face in my lap and start sobbing. This wasn't meant to happen. It was all a drunken mistake and now I'm paying for it. It's killing me knowing how hurt Harry must be right now. 

              I hear a zip and Harry stomps out of the bedroom, which makes me cry harder. Then, the slam of the front door makes me scream. I think about what I would do and I realize that I would do the exact same thing. I lift my head and stand up and walk over to the mirror. All I see if a girl with a puffy face and red eyes with dried tear lines on her cheeks. 

                My phone rings and the screen reads Harry. I pick it up fast and answer, "Harry?" Silence. "Hello?" Still complete silence. I remove the phone from my ear and hangup and I assume he butt dialed me or something. I'm almost about to put my phone down when I notice there's an unread message. It's from Harry: 

Sorry (Y/N), it's over.

                    The whole world goes silent and dark and I find myself gasping for air. To be honest, I didn't expect Harry to end things. I just thought that he would take some time to cool down then forgive me. I wouldn't break up with him if he cheated on me. I start to wonder how this will go public  and what people will think of me. It doesn't matter one way or the other....



             I smile down at my phone as I walk on the busy sidewalk. Since Harry and I broke up, I've been texting this guy I met at a concert. I flirt with him and stuff but I'm not near ready to date anyone.     I wouldn't do that to Harry since he's been nice enough not to do it to me. Harry and I haven't talked since he texted me telling me it's over. But I feel like I've moved on and I'm almost sure he has too. 

               I'm still walking while on my phone when I bump into someone tall and muscular and a really hot liquid spills all over my chest. I gasp and I hear a deep, raspy British accent say, "Oh, I'm sorry," behind laughter. I haven't yet seen his face because I've been looking down at the coffee stains the whole time. The guy is still laughing as he hands me napkins. I force out a smile and say, "It's okay." I look up and see deep green eyes staring down at the coffee stain. It's Harry. He looks down at me and his smile slowly dissapears into a blank expression. "(Y/N), hi." I take a deep breath. "Hi Harry." I feel so awkward especially considering that Harry and I broke up just two weeks ago. Harry's smile reappears. "How have you been?" I'm surprised he said this because I was expecting him to go away or say something more aggresive. I look down at my feet and say, "Not too good. What about you?" I look back up and he looks down to his side and then looks back over to me and says, "I've been miserable." I thought he was going to say something snarky like telling me he's been amazing or great. I'm actually happy he's being honest though because it's much better than him lying to hurt me or something. I know he's not that kinda guy; the kind that do things just to hurt you.

                I look into his beautiful eyes and suddenly see our whole relationship and how great we were together. Harry bites his lip then says. "You know, I regret sending that text." This catches my attention because he seemed pretty confident about his decision to break up with me. "I've always regreted cheating on you." I have to try hard not to cry. Harry takes my free hand in his and says, "Maybe we could start over. Like we're meeting for the first time." I smile at his The Script reference. "I'd like that." He wraps his arm around my back pulling me closer to him and our chests touch. He leans down and his warm lips touch mine. Oh how I've missed this. I wasn't expecting him to kiss me so quickly because we were 'starting over'. But I can definitely handle it. 


             Yeah, I made a mistake but Harry and I have forgotten about it. We moved back in together and nothing's really changed. I can definitely say I love him without a doubt. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2013 ⏰

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