Rising Voices

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About: This is a song I wrote a while ago. It's about being alone, the only company being voices in your head, putting you under pressure, and distracting you.

I'm all alone in the darkness

My life is sparkless

I can't seem to find my way

Voices bothering me everyday

These rising voices in my head

They keep me awake at night in bed

These rising voices in my head

They leave me alive but almost dead

I can't take it anymore

I wish I could slam the door

It isn't as it was before

So go ahead and leave me alone in the dust

Go ahead and leave me to die if you must

But these growing whispers in the crowd

They're finding things I haven't found

These rising voices in my head

They keep me awake at night in bed

These rising voices in my head

They leave me alive but almost dead

I can't take it anymore

Go ahead and slam the door

It isn't as it was before

These rising voices in my head

They keep me awake at night in bed

These rising voices in my head

They leave me alive but almost dead

I can't take it anymore

Go ahead and slam the door

It isn't as it was before

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⏰ Last updated: 9 hours ago ⏰

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