Kendo Family

445 26 12

Narrator POV

Kendo was getting ready for her visit with her family. However, she was more worried about them meeting Izuku. Because she been talking about him to them I mean she doesn't stop talking about him.

Itsuka: "I hope they don't embarrass me especially my sister"

Izuku: Kendo are you ready to go.

Itsuka: yes I'm ready

Izuku: well let's go.

They left the home of Gran Torino and they headed towards the train station. They got on the train and headed toward Itsuka home. She was a nervous wreck that the boy she talk alot about with her family is going to accompany her to see her parents.

Izuku: is something the matter Kendo

Itsuka: well nothing serious but you just have to be well prepared for my family.

Izuku: why

Itsuka: trust me okay

Izuku: okay

They rode the train for a while until they arrive to her station. They got off and they headed toward her home. Once Izuku saw her home.

Izuku: so your family owns a dojo

Itsuka: yes my mom and dad run it.

Izuku: I see well let's go inside

Itsuka: okay  

They went inside as they took of their shoes as Itsuka call out.

Itsuka: I'm home

???: welcome home sweetie

???: welcome home sweetie

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Itsuka: hey mom

Misty: and who is this handsome young man

Itsuka: mom *blushing*

Izuku: nice to meet you ma'am my name is Izuku Midorya nice to meet you *bows*

Misty: a gentleman wow it's rare to see that .

Izuku: thank you

???: hey Princess

???: hey Princess

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