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Hello, i am WiltedFlower. if youre reading this, congrats you survived a war and broke into my den for this book, or diary i guess. now i bet you assume who i am well as you know my name is wilted flower and i mightve start a war. just kidding, i totally started it. back many moons before the war i angered a kit, a seemingly normal kit, but oh boy that little kit wanted revenge.

That kit was RabbitWing someone from my sisters litter (i am originally from windclan) and oh boy did i cause a problem, as a warrior he became more violent each day to the point where he got into actual fights with warriors, but no one won until the boy tried to fight the deputy FarClaw who, knowing of what he had done clawed his ear (lightly) and thought the battle was won, but oh boy he was not ready. 

The boy lashed out at the deputy with the force of an angry badger. three warriors came to stop it but it was no use the boy clawed the deputy's eye and was immediately exiled, but he didnt rest.

Two moons later and its gathering time again, so the clan does their thing and goes out. when they see that the deputy of thunderclan wasnt there, but instead RabbitWing was there, clearly the new deputy of ThunderClan. As soon as our leader stops talking he attacks, leaping onto our leader Twinstar and clawing off his eyes, he died soon after (too be fair he was almost 160 moons old) immeadiately the entire gathering launched into battle. From then on the gathering area was a warzone, really anything near the central point of the clans was a warzone. Rabbitwing fled, and he'd survived, immeadiately spreading the word to rogues, loners and kittypets to join him against the weird cats. He managed to form a decent sized group, (15 cats, 5 loners, 8 rogues, and the rest were kittypets) They called themself FallenClan/ little did anyone know. they would create the strongest piece of machinery known to catkind, with just a few twoleg scraps, and some fur (also an entire junkyard of stuff since they lived in carrionplace, yes this is written before  the new prophecy, kinda cuz this is yknow an AU).


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27 ⏰

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